So my sister's school started today at eight and mine starts at nine. So I am in my school library at the moment. Just to update you what else has happened to me during this week. On Tuesday I was walking to the cafeteria (it is located in the next building) when I almost lost my balance and I dropped to my knees (I was already inside) . So I hit my knees quite hard to the floor and I was surrounded with teenagers. I have to say that none came to ask me if I was okey. Well I did get up right away. The rest of that day was okey, as I didn't feel any different. Just a little bit tired legs. In the evening it hit a bit more hard that I had done something that day that my body did not like.
Monday evening when I got the news that my visa has arrived I was very happy for a while. Then when I was in the shower I said to myself, that I think I am getting the flu now. During the night I got the sore throat and during Tuesday I got the runny nose. So while I was doing the balancing act, I was also "ill". I use quotation marks as I do not have a fever and this hasn't stopped from participating in school.
Yesterday we had (well still have) a snowstorm. It has been snowing since yesterday morning with small gaps in between. The roads were cleaned during the day, but it hasn't helped much. So yesterday I spent some time connecting with other students, before driving home. Can you guess where this is leading to ;) I was really careful when I was driving the "big" roads and when I arrived to the small road which is the last leg of the way home, all I was thinking was "stay in the middle of the road, stay in the middle of the road, where is this car trying to take me? I am not in the middle of the road, damn I have to call my brother in law." So yeah I drove off the road. Well I did have two of my wheels on the road and I was able to get off the car so that I was on the road. My speed was so slow that nothing happened to the car. But I can't say that I haven't driven off the road any more. Well I say that it was about the time! I have driven for 7 years now without any accidents (car was stolen from me, but that was not my fault) so I needed to experience something.
One good thing that came of it. Although at first my brother in law did not see it that way. He had to warm up the tractor (see how safely I drive off road... near home, when I know there is a tractor that can pull the car...) and he decided that he will also have to clean up the snow from the yard/parking space/what ev. He also cleaned the road a bit around the house and cleaned the neighbors yard/parking space/what ev. He did say when he came in, that it is snowing so much that he will need to clear the space again tomorrow morning. If he hadn't done so last evening, the tractor might not have been able to clear everything as fast today as it did. I saw a road (when we dropped off my nephew) where the snow was piled next to the road every 10 meters or so.
I haven't yet found an apartment. I haven't yet asked if the place has one bedroom places available. But I do take suggestions ;) Tickets I do have... This seems to be a very long post, so I will continue later with more information on what I need to do and what I have done already.