Friday, July 13, 2012

Yet another pic update

(...because I am lazy and bit too tired to write properly)

Pic by my niece. This is what she has been watching here: Once upon a time and UBOS

Pic by my niece: This is what she has been filling up and emptying

Pic by my niece: Carpet in my spare room

Pic by my niece: Sofa pillow that is not in right place

Pic by my niece: Rumpali! (You know the movie Bambi and the bunny from there...)(This used to be mine but she wanted it few years back and I gave it to her.)

I took this one. Just to show that the sun is shining and that we went to a family park near by.

While my niece was running around I lay in the ground and enjoyed the moment of peace

No sand, so I had to take picture with the sky!

Castle at the family playground

Pic by my niece: Pic of me driving and you can see from the mirror that my niece has the camera


Self portrait of my niece... Yeah she got a bit crazy with my camera...

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