Thursday, July 05, 2012

Pic update again

I confess I did take the first pic while driving, but there were no other traffic, so I dared to do so. I just had to take a picture of the things that scared me during the winter time.
Also I wanted to show you how well the plant I took to my sister is doing. It really likes the space in my opinion. You can't even tell that it is missing from my bench as the other plants took over really fast. I think it is too crowded still in my flower bench, but that's not my problem anymore. It is the next occupants problem.
The moon lily (or something like that) is doing well
My niece wanted something to do, so I obliged and gave her task to pick the weeds out of cracks of the stones and water the plants. She really enjoyed doing it. What am I going to make her do tomorrow??
My niece watered the flowers and picked the weeds
I have these chalks that are used to draw on the street. Luckily I have a piece of street in front of me, so my niece was able to draw. She told me that this is a worm that is in jail. The ceiling looks like a cloud so that the worm will be happy to stay in the jail.
It is a worm in jail
I asked my niece if she wanted me to make her soup or should we buy some from the store. She wanted me to do some for her. I put some red currant for flavour and black currant so that it wouldn't be all red.
Strawberry-currant soup
For dinner we BBQ:ed some, but unfortunately my niece wasn't too hungry. She had found a friend from the playground...
My salad is doing fine! I just need to cover it up a bit because the sun is burning quite a lot here.
Salad is doing fine :)
Oh, yeah the friend my niece found is here now. They are drawing together. My niece showed her my apartment :)) The wall we painted, in the yard the flowers she watered. No pic of the wall, sorry, you'll just have to trust me.

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