Yet another application sent out. I was a bit hesitant to sent this one out, as it might change my plans if I would get it. But then I thought what is the chance for me actually getting it, so I sent the application. There is no logic on my action you say? Well you see if I don't try it is all my fault that I am still in the same place, but if I at least try I have tried to change the situation and it is not my fault. The reason I say, näh I won't get it anyway, is to make my expectations low so what ever comes next will be a happy event. So if I think I won't get it, I won't expect anything so it is not really away from me to sent a paper to the place. I.e. I don't use too much energy worrying and planning and what iffing.
So my current plan is still valid. I just need to find a bank that will give me money order in USD and check if DHL has cheaper prizes then FedEx or was the price I saw just a marketing price. FedEx would want over 150 euros from me to send few papers to Grenada. The price that I saw to DHL was about 30 euros. If I remember correctly last time I used DHL it was under 40. So now I am just waiting to receive a reply to hear if I can use DHL or if it must be FedEx. In the meanwhile, I think I will fill out the papers to US and pay their fee (with credit card) and take another step closer to be able to apply for the visa. Last time I checked they had 210 spots left. So I will have to hope that this year there won't be very many late travellers.
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