Not an easy task to combine. Luckily next year, my sister will have a proper day care if she has a summer job. It wasn't possible for this year. But I am happy to say that there hasn't been many problems that we haven't been able to solve. Somehow it is quite nice that my niece will be able to travel the same way as we did. Especially when we know that this is not very permanent thing, and that my niece really wants to do the travelling.
So the trouble is that instead of palying by herself, she wants to chat with me. This is not possible all the time as I am working at the same time. Sometimes I need to say to her that I can't talk now, I have to work. Usually after 10 minutes she comes back to me and asks if I have done working yet. :) I have tried to explain that my work is time related, so I will have to work the time I have been given. Of course as I work from home, I am able to take break when ever I want and have longer ones as well. This just means that I will need to do the time in at some other point. I usually try to do the day's work in that one day. Sometimes I do a bit extra during the weekend so that I can have some time off during the week.
I have been on a lookout for another job for few years now. I have sent out applications to the ones I find interesting. So far I haven't been able to get into an interview. Oh, well I am not that worried at the moment as this job gives me now chance to live abroad once again. I can't wait! No luck with lotto last weekend, so I can't just quit. Better luck next time, when ever that will be.
Now my niece is vacuuming, because that is one of the best things to do that she knows. :) I hope this will be as easy when we go to my place for few weeks.
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