I was traveling from Turku to Lahti via Helsinki as I got a bus ticket for 5 euros from Turku to Helsinki. So it was way cheaper to travel that way. So the bus was in Helsinki at the same time as the train left, so I spent an hour in Helsinki. As I was hungry, I search for a place near by train station to eat. There was this paper called "City". I started to read it while eating my chicken bagel. There I found this article "Girls want to die" (I found it online for you to read)(It is in finnish, you might be able to use translator but finnish is such a hard language to translate that there will be mistakes).
It is about in our country it is still unexplained why girls kill themselves. We have the highest suicide rate for girls under 25 in europe and 4th highest in the entire world. This is a subject that is not talked about. It is not research. We talk about young boys (age under 25) and adults, but not young girls/women. The article does list few reasons why (but they also apply to boys as well), with low education and unemployment. Most of the suicides are done while drunk. There is also a story in the end of a young girl that tried but changed her mind and asked for help and was saved.
It is a very good article about the current situation in Finland. It shows how the society usually values boys more than girls. Even in "high" society country like ours. Where the boys suicides were the topic of discussion for years, the girls suicides has just raised its head. Still girls have killed themselves always. Why is this? Better late than never, but still makes me wonder. What young girls hear is that boys will be boys, but girls will have to grow up and take control. So why do we live in a world that is lead by men, when women control the everyday life? Oh, boy. I could rant about this quite a lot but that is not the point. I just found this article and wanted to share it with you.
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