Sunday, April 22, 2012


I was supposed to write how good day I had with friends. How we did some BBQing and all. But no. I am not going to write about that. That did happen, that's not the reason why I am not writing about it. What I am writing about is how fucking tired I am of my work. Yes we are going there yet again.

I came home and went to the computer to check some payments so that people wouldn't have to wait the whole weekend to get the licenses. This is because of the software release. Yeah I haven't been writing because I haven't had the time. So yeah I was doing the checking and then went to see how much work might I have on monday (if it was huge amount I would have done some already) (part of non written agreement if you ask me). Well what do I find...

I see that my aunt and boss have been working about six hours already. When I send her a text about helping out again, she replies that well we have been doing this for hours already... Red flag to a bull. She also called, but I wasn't able to talk to her at first. When I was (just few minutes after) and tried to explain why I was feeling like someone just stabbed me in the back, she just laughed! Oh, boy! How to feel appreciated. One of her replies were that because people were angry... Well dah! I have to manually accept all the orders. I would be pissed too if I wouldn't get something promised in minutes! I have talked about it for years but there has been no change!

She was trying to make it sound like they were helping me (which I admit was very nice, but I really don't appreciate when someone does things behind my back). One thing is that I might have to do the tickets again anyways! That's what happened last year, but as we did them at the same time (!) I was able to help them. Really if you want to do my job then fine, but I would like to get my notice first! It is such a small company that it doesn't take much to make changes.

GRRR, what really puts me of (from working) is that my aunt really didn't understand what I was talking about. Like who would get pissed of that someone does their work behind their back and then you point it out that oh, btw we did _your_ work... If I had enough money, I would already have stopped working there. After this I will NOT be working for a family company (that is part of my family/relatives) unless it is fucking huge company. (Oh and no there is no such company.)


  1. and how many cv you send after that?-)

  2. I was a good little girl and send none. I just wrote about the economics task... freaking promises...
