Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Iron Sky

I went to see Iron Sky with my aunt (who wasn't that exited about it) and with his hubby/my boss (who was exited to see it). I was so exited about it that I was actually a bit worried that I might be dissapointed with it. My boss and me had seen the trailer before so we had some kind of an image what it could be like. I have to say that my boss did not like the movie as he had waited it to be a bit more serious and not a fan movie type. Fine I admit that it could have been better. There was a lot of potential.

Having said that, I LOVED it! My aunt LOVED it! So what is the lesson? Don't expect things, just go watch it. If you liked Star Wreck, you'r gonna love this. I am not going to give the plot away, as I just assume that most of you already know what it is about. When it hits the shops I am so going to buy the dvd. Although I think that this movie is best watched at the movie theather. Just because it is scify movie... I have been dissapointed with scify movies when I have seen them on the tv, but have loved them in the big screen.

Edit: Avengers is coming! Yay! There is another movie that I have waited for soooo long.

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