Thursday, April 05, 2012

Men are from where?

Not writing from personal experience now. I am just writing from my perspective of men after listening to my friend. And let me tell you, more than once have I been so pissed off at them (men) that I could actually do bodily harm to them would they be anywhere near me. Just unbelievable!

Now I know there are the few good men out there somewhere, so I am not damning the whole "mankind". But really GRRR. Just to get rid of all the anger I am going to write this so that you= men, so ladies no worries but men beware!

First of all where the hell do you come from to tell someone that they are less than that they are not worthy of!! Really?!? Second of all when you are meeting/ seeing casually someone it means that you go to movies or dinner or something like that. Not lets spend weekends together. So if you are saying after dating someone that, oh it actually wasn't dating even though I too thought so when we were dating, ups I mean seeing each other, it is helluva rude. Ney, it is more than that! Third of all if you can't behave like you deserve us, let us go! Clinging to someone who you are putting down is just unacceptable.(/ end of you thingy)

Just to give you a short story  and give you a glimpse behind my rage, I am going to tell you about my friend (with her permission, but not giving any names). My friend wants to meet the guy, you know, the one. She met this good candidate and started slowly at first. Then if I remember correctly it was he who wanted things to move forward aka they started dating. It was a long distance relationship, but it seemed to work out. Then once after a row they didn't keep in touch for _two_ days. My friend had started to come a bit suspicious and asked him about their plans. She then heard that he had actually found someone else while they weren't talking.

So basically he used my friend (first red flag), he lied to my friend (second red flag), he used my friend (well yeah I said it already but still it is third red flag) and he is now playing it all down like it wasn't as important (of a relationship) as it actually was (fourth red flag). Really?!? Where the hell do men come from when they can behave so coldly?

I would have a better example, which includes narcissism, mental violence and lots of clingingness. Let me just say that there was a man that could not understand a clear plead/command of STAY THE FUCK AWAY!

When someone is ready for a relationship and opens up to other and reveals her true self, it is NOT ment to be used as a weapon against her! GRRR! Who the fuck does that to people! (Well... One good example comes to mind, but I am not going to write about that yet). What is wrong in the brain of man, when so many of them seems to obey the simple rule of women are my toys and I can do what the hell I want with them!

I better stop ranting before I say something I might regret!


  1. I so love you!! Thanks, that made myself feeling little bit better now :).

  2. I love you too! I'm glad I was able to make you feel a bit better :) xoxo
