Monday, April 02, 2012

Driving, driving and little more driving

Yesterday morning I did some cleaning and took the garbage out (yay I remembered it) and kept my fingers crossed that I wouldn't forget anything important. First I went to my niece's birthday party. I was a bit early, but I didn't want to just sit at home and wait for the time to pass and also they didn't mind at all that I was early :) First my nephew did this traditional thingy (the translator says that conduct a Finnish Easter, but that doesn't make any sense!) where he said a poem and waved a twig at me. Well best I can describe the tradition is that week before Easter all the witches and trolls (kids) (others are not traditional, and should be only used when this new thing called Halloween is) go door to door to wish good wealth and fortune with a twig (or branch) of willow or birch (willow is more traditional) that is decorated and receive a payment for it. Usually the payment is chocolate egg or money. Tradition says that the payment is collected a week after, but nowadays the payment is given right away and it is up to parents when the kids eat the eggs. (It is still lent)

One example by my niece or nephew (they are outside at the moment so can't ask them) with willow twig

They actually have made quite a few of them :)
So back to the story... I spent about four hours at my niece's 6 yr bday party, before I left to drive to Tornio. I thought I had to drive about 750 km but it turned out that I only needed to drive about 640 km. I think it will take some time for me to realize the real distance now that I don't have to go by my granny's place. I will be going there when I return home as my granny's neighbour has asked me to pop by. I will also go by my grandparents grave. All in one go. But yeah, I thought I would have to sit in the car till the wee hours. Luckily the roads were dry and there weren't that much traffic. Also some automated signs were showing the summer speed. Yay! This meant that I was able to drive nicely forward for 4,5 hours until I absolutely needed to stop for... you know... powder my nose. As I had eaten well at the party, I didn't need to eat anything at the stop. I just filled the tank up, so that I wouldn't need to stop again to do that. More time saved! I think I saved like an hour just for not eating and not stopping more than once.( edit: I just calculated the consumption: 6,7l/km! With winter tyres! That was the half way point.)

It was nice to drive as it is lighter than in the middle of the winter. I think I noticed just around ten (pm) that it was dark enough to use the long lights. Oh, before I forget I need to mention and give a mental note to all of you: When driving in the dark and passing a truck, please do not get scared by windmills!! Luckily I was in overtake lane (if there is such word, but I hope you understand what I mean) so there was no harm done to anyone or anything, but just me by my imagination. I was indeed passing/taking over a truck when I noticed a rotation movement from the corner of my eye. When I looked I saw nothing but darkness. Then eyes to the road and again something rotating in the corner of my eye. Luckily the moon decided to shine through the clouds then and I saw three windmills doing their business, minding no-one. phew, I tell ya. I am certain that there were not there the last time I drove by!

I arrived at my sister's just minutes before midnight. I might have been driving a bit faster the last 100 km or so, but not too fast (aka not fast enough to get a ticket). Checked my phone for messages, and went to bed. I do have my own bed here (I brought it here before I moved to Grenada, and decided to leave it here and by a new one when I moved back to Finland) (I brought it here, because I lived here for few months), so falling a sleep feels like falling asleep at home.

The morning started with my niece trying to sneak down to wake me up, but not been able to do so had to come with my nephew. She was able to get down here (I sleep in the fireplace room) (well hasn't seen any fire since they moved in here, so it is basically just guest room) first, put the lights on and asked me what time would I like to have breakfast. I cordially answered that in few hours would be nice (it was after 6 am or something like that). Then my sis and nephew came seconds later as he also wanted to come that I had arrived. He was a bit shy and wouldn't first give me a hug, but after my niece jumped on top of me, he soon followed. Also he wanted to stay with me down here for a while. He wouldn't go up until I came with him. So no more sleeping for me :))

On a side note, I was allowed to wash his bump (dirty diaper) even though his dad is at home (my sis is at school) (and I am really working, just writing here and there once in a while)! Yay! He usually chooses his dad or mom to do the washing. Today he choose me :) Small things to make you happy!

This one is called Karelian bird (cuckoo), I actually made this when I was younger (this is about 12 yrs old, but been up there about 5 yrs)
This is also a Karelian tradition. I have had to explain these to a lot of people as to my surprise they are not very well known. I remember doing these for Christmas and Easter sales for school and church when I was kid/younger/under 18...

edit 2: I can barely keep myself from laughing as I hear my niece telling her grandparents that I am a traveller. This came up as they asked when is her great grand dad's bday, and she said that I know, because I am a traveller. I have travelled far. Further then from here to where I live :)) Bless her heart! That is just so sweet :))

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