Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Funny thing

I think I have mentioned a few times that my mother has changed her number. Well this has led to the fact that I usually have a number behind her name like: mom1, mom2, mom3 etc. Just so that I will know what is her new number. I have deleted a few ones just because I don't like having too many numbers for one person! Also my sister in law just asked me what is her current number as she hadn't replied to any of my sister in laws messages.

Also the changing of her number has led to her having old numbers on her phone. She gave to my aunt a phone number to call my brother, but of course it was not in use. So my aunt called me and asked me to ask my brother to be one of the carriers in the funeral. And also ask if his dad and stepmom would come to the funeral. So basically she had cut all connection to my brother without even knowing she had done so!

Oh and I could tell you how much the funeral is going to suck, but because I promised myself not to get too worked out because of it, I won't. I am not taking part in the planning so I shouldn't complain about it.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Last Wednesday my granny died. I am happy to hear that she died without pain and in peace. Her funeral will be held next Saturday. I hope everything will go peacefully, but my hopes are not too high. There already has been some fighting about how the funerals should be handled. :/ So... yeah. To be expected is a lot of fighting. I just wish on Saturday people would know how to behave.

Monday, September 19, 2011


One week and half ago my granny was able to get in surveillance where they would determine whether she is able to live alone at home. It would be a four day surveillance period. Thrid day morning they found my granny next to her bed laying in the ground. She was taken into hospital to check for broken bones.

She has been a week in the hospital now. She has stopped eating, and the breathing is really difficult. A week ago I was told that she might have few months left. That she might see Christmas, but that was not very likely. Last Friday my mother (surprise surprise) called me and told that they now estimate it to be from hours to few days (mostly a week or so). She is fed through tube and she has been given nasal cannuals.

On Friday I heard that her DNR was reaffirmed from relatives. So now the waiting game is on. I really hope that she won't have to suffer for long. When I visited her with my brother last Saturday, she was taken into a room of one (she was in a room of three). This is the last part of the hospice care, to give peace.

More info: she is now barely breathing (no deep dreaths at all). So from now on I might be a bit jumpy when my phone rings...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tuesday farewell

On Tuesday morning I woke my friend up at nine as one other friend of hers would be picking her up from my place. They would then go to a retriet center and then to airport. She had already packed her bag so all she needed to do was take a quick shower and make some snack to go.

Her friend arrived at ten, and we all had something to drink before they left. I had promised the visitor that she can bring her dog here, as they would only do a short visit. I try to keep my appartment as free of animals as I can because I know so many allergic people. So now I need to vacuum my place from top to bottom, but it was worth it :) The dog was really nice and energic.

After they had left, I caved in and went to pick up some lunch from MacDonalds. I can't remember when was the last time I was there. But I just had to have some meat. I do love meat.

Monday shopping

On Monday we watched the third movie Beautiful Boy. The movie is about what happens after the school shooting in the family of the shooter. If you have read the book We need to talk about Kevin, and liked it, then I would recommend you to watch this movie.

After the movie we left for town as we had planned to make the shoppings during the last day. This went pretty well. First we went to Robinhood to check it out, and buy some warm clothes if they had any. (It is fall clothes season, so no winter gear normally yet.) We were in luck and they had some :) After that we went to Harbour to buy stuff from the handmade store.

After this we headed to Trio to do more shopping and show her camera, if it could be fixed. She had dropped it (well the bag broke and she didn't know it untill the camera dropped) on the pavement and the lense was popping out. Unfortunately the lense could not be fixed nor had the store anything that could fit the camera. This bummed my friend quite a lot and she didn't want to do anymore shopping. So we went to pick up my parcel and dropped off the movies that we had rented the day before.

As we had already made plans to meet a friend of hers, we had to go back to my appartment for a while before heading back to Trio. There we spent few hours in Robert's Coffee and did little bit shopping in H&M. She found the cardigan that she was looking for from there.

Then after we got back home she did a vegan meal for me. As she did it I called my sister because I had promised to help her with something. The meal was ready before I had finished with my sister. Then she waited for few seconds went to computer and snapped that the food is ready. Went back to the kitchen and put the food back to the oven... The food was fine, but I could read from her that she was pissed. From my point of view she snapped at nothing and there for had no reason to be pissed. If I have been cooking and see that someone is on the phone I keep the food warm and inform that the food is ready. Not so that I snap that food is ready BTW... and start then putting the food in the warm place. How would I know that the food is ready when she was the one cooking. I am not mind reader and I can't be sure what you are going to do next with the food.

Sunday movies

Was our rest day. We slept in late (well I did sleep later than usual and she woke up at the same time as usual). We did a bit of shopping (went looking for threads and needles) and rented three movies. After that we went for a walk as it was a nice day.

After that we watched one movie which was m'apelle Sophie. The only bad thing was that it didn't have english subtitles, so I had to translate her those parts where they talked French and some parts of English. The movie was about what happened in french jews in wwII. I was a bit surprised when my friend asked why did the children (and other jews as well) have stars in their clothes. She then explained that she didn't want to study any History in school (they could choose what to study) and the school had allowed her to do so. Anyway the movie was good. I do like historical movies even though they wouldn't be totally accurate (the historical things need to be accurate but the "nowaday" things don't need to be).

After the movie I did some BBQing and started to watch the second movie. The second movie was called Trust and it was about a young girl who meets a boy online. The boy then turns out to be a young man and eventually an old man. I liked it a lot as it will bring some awearenss to the problem. I would recommend a movie called Candy as well. (The pic in the front should be a girl in a red hood standing in a huge bear trap.)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Testing from my phone

Just testing how swype is working on my phone. So far so good. Just thinking that I won't be doing long posts with this. Takes way too long to write a sentence.

Just think how long it would take to write a whole blog! Swype is pretty cool as I am getting the hang of it now. Just had to download an application for blogger to really test it.

Trip to Helsinki

On Saturday we went to Helsinki. We did it so that I drove to Kerava (much closet to Helsinki) and left my car there (free) and then we took the train to Helsinki (5,90€). First we went to Kiasma and then Ateneum to check if they have any bookmarks as my friend wanted to by them as a gift.

Then we went to Fazer Cafe which is a very popular place among tourists (it is a bit too expensive for my taste, but as I haven't been there in a while it was okey place to be). Then from there we walked to Esplanade Park and from there to Harbour. As it was getting late we decided not to go to the Zoo (my friend had told me yesterday that there is no hope getting her up before 11 am (which in her time would be 9 am) so we did arrive a bit late to Helsinki.

Instead of the Zoo we went to Suomenlinna, which was also a boat trip away. I hadn't been there before, so it was nice for me to see something new aswell. We were there about an hour I think and then we came back. From Helsinki we went to Kerava and from there to Mäntsälä. We BBQ:ed at my friends place and then sang some SingStar. :)

Friday, September 09, 2011


Today we went to see some sights and take mental notes of places where to go on Monday (her last full day here) to shop stuff. So as it was not raining we decided to go to the harbour first. There we took some pictures of boats (well she did as I didn't have my camera with me) and Sibelius Hall. We also found this small little boutiqe that sold hand made stuff.

Then as we started to feel abit hungry we went to find a place to eat. We drove to Trio Mall and left my car there. Then we walked through the city (not very big)(also basically we walked from one end to another end of a street) to go to the place that my cousin had recommended to us. We had some difficulty finding it as it was in the seconf floor and we were looking at the street level.

Anyways the food was vegan friendly and she was able to eat it. There was also an organic store which we browsed through. From there we then walked back to the Trio, when she noticed a new store that sold budda's and stuff. She found a very rare looking (she hadn't seen them before) Budda that she then decided to buy. We were in luck as the store would open tomorrow, but we were able to buy the budda already today.

From there we went to bookstore to buy few cards for her. I didn't find anything there.. .Can you believe it! Then we walked into Trio and went straight to the Organic store that they had there. After filling her snack inventory we left for Kärkkäinen. It is a big store with lots of gadget and trinckets in it. I found few things that I know I need. My friend also found lots of things :)) So basically this day turned into shopping spree after all.

We also went to Prisma to get some food (yes I have food, but we are going on a small trip tomorrow so we needed snacks) and we actually only bought some food :)

Yes tomorrow we are going to Korkeasaari Zoo. I promise to take my camera with me and take lots of pics and post them here. :)


Yesterday my friend came over from England to visit me. Her flight was in Helsinki almost at midnight. This meant that I needed to stay awake really really late. So to keep me up, I went to my other friends place which is on the way.

The we first chatted a bit (she cleaned and I chatted ;) ) and made some cloe-minced meat thingy. Of course the main part of the evening was singing some SingStar :)) I have to say we were pretty good even though we hadn't practiced it alot. After signing an hour or two we watched a bit of telly. Then it was time for me to go to the airport.

The timing was perfect as I had just pulled in and was about to meet her when she walked out of the airport :) Then I drove back home and wasn't tired at all. It might be because of the coke I drank...

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Vegan stuff

Yesterday and today I bought some food for my friend who is coming over. She is vegan, so it took some searching to find something that she can eat. Now of course I could have just left the meat out from my food. But that's not fun. As I do know that there are vegan sausages and vegan cheese out there, I am going to be a good little host and find them.

Now I am searching for a vegan restaurant (well vegetarian is enough as I think they also serve vegan food). But sadly I haven't been able to find one yet. There are plenty in Helsinki, but I would have loved to see one in here as well. I have planned that we could go to Helsinki on Saturday, so we could eat there... It's just that if it is raining, I am not sure if we want to go or not.

Of course I could take her to my friends place... It could be interesting.

Oh what I was going to write, was that I think that vegan food is way too expensive... Or you have to be really rich to do it. I know that I can do some of the stuff myself. Sausage is one that I am not going to do by myself... Four little sausages was almost 4 euros! That is expensive believe me.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Movies watched last night

Yesterday we watched Hop, Limitless and Just Friends. Hop and Limitless were rental films and Just Friends came from TV (I am at my friends place). Hop is about a bunny who doesn't want to become an easterbunny. It I would recommend to all :) It is your basic cartoon (bunny) & actor, family movie.

Limitless... I had such high hopes for it. I have to say that it was a bit "say what?" at times. But those blue eyes. Yammy. It could have been so much more, but it wasn't lousy movie don't get me wrong. It just had so much potential to be a really really great movie. I am not sure quite where they went wrong. Well they didn't go wrong per say. I just would have loved to see it going to another direction. Also it was 1h 40 min, (well 32 min without the credits) and it felt like over 2h movie.

Just friends was your basic romantic movie where the looser becomes not-a-looser and behaves like jerk but in the end gets the girl. So no brains needed. It was Ryan Reynolds movie, so plenty of eye candy there. This is great if you have been drinking the day before. So you can just lay in the sofa (or bed or floor) and let the movie wake you up or make you fall asleep again.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Movie last night

Captain America (birth of). I have to say that I am not disappointed with it. Although it did not help that I needed to pee most of the movie. It was basic weak guy becomes a strong guy and almost gets the girl (superheros getting the girl never work so that's why almost gets). Because you will need to be a superhero to date a superhero for real. Otherwise you are only dating part of him or get killed by someone or something that makes the superhero even more something.

About the movie: It was 3D, which can be a bad thing in a movie. In this case it wasn't. I liked it. I would have to say that it is one of the best 3D movies that I have seen. Of course it has its limitations (animated 3Ds rock). One thing that I didn't like was when CA was running, you could see the animation. I bet they used a lot more animation in the movie that I noticed, but that one was one thing that I bet everyone noticed. Two hours is a bit too long for this type of a movie (imo) but it wasn't overly boring so the movie is forgiven.

I can't wait till they get the team together and see that movie! :))

Oh I would recommend this movie to those who like the comics (just so that they can dislike the movie after seeing it) and to those who like adventure movies. Age: well there is war, nazis, so it is not for the kids otherwise for all.