Friday, March 18, 2011

What things have I done in the past year

My friend introduced me to this one blog about a guy doing 1000 things in a year. He is doing small things, big things, new things, old things (that there didn't seem to be time for). He has shared all his experiences in facebook, twitter and in his blog ( Well since my friend got into following him, I have also started to follow him.

So I was thinking, that we all have done some small things in the past year. We probably don't even remember the things we have done and how exciting they were. So I am going to make a list of things that I have done last year. They might be small things but important to me :)

1. Baked Karelian Pastries (for first time for many, many years)
2. Went to the gym
3. Helped organize Christmas for my brother
4. Babysitting for brother (they were renovating their new home)
5. Took wallpaper off
6. Painted my guestroom
7. Bought a new phone (Last time I bought a phone was when I went to Florida in 2004)
8. I went to the movies with my sister in law
9. Went to the cruise with my sister and her family (never done this before)
10. Went to a vacation with my friend
11. Drove a tractor for the first time
12. I had two house warming parties :P
13. Went to a fair (haven't been to one since almost 10 years)
14. Tasted some weird food (can't remember what, probably lamb and something fishy. I don't like fish FYI)
15. Spent the midsummer with my brothers family
16. Bought winter clothes (moved back from warm country, so didn't have any)
17. I baked a gluten free cake
18. I baked gluten free pastries and sweet buns
19. I saw E-type
20. I drove in Helsinki (City Center, our capital city)
21. Played skip-bo
22. Saved my mom's phone number to my phone (not really talking to her)
23. Bought new glasses (few years too late...)
24. I ate Baklava (really yummy)

(Will continue when I remember more)

25. Used the USB port in my car radio :)
26. Went to picnic with my sister and her children (nope, have not done this before outside)
27. Cut myself bangs (not a good idea)
28. I played BrainBash :)
29. I painted by numbers
30. Met TV permit inspector for the first time
31. I cooked food for my brothers family
32. Had my nephew over for a night for the first time

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