Wednesday, March 16, 2011

@ my friends

My friend is on a vacation and she asked if I could come over. As I can, I did :)) She makes me wake up a bit more earlier than I would at home. She also makes me work through the day, versus not doing things so slow like it seems I sometimes do. It kind of feels like I would be in an office working and not from home. So basically I did this more for me than for her, but just don't tell her that ;)

At the moment I am making carrot pastries for her (they contain no wheat). Tomorrow I think I will make the Karelian ones. They are really easy to make so I like doing them. The only bad thing is that my lower back starts to hurt after awhile. This is due to the way they are done. Luckily I don't have to do too many of them at once.

So far we have been watching some of her dvd's and digibox savings. (Digibox=TiVo?) She has cooked and gone to floor ball training. I am writing this blog and done some baking. Tomorrow I will do some Finnish pancakes and baking :) It is good to have a plan.

Now if it seems that I am not shocked about the situation in Japan, but it is not true. I do follow newspaper and online chatter on what's going on. So far they all are in my prays and if an opportunity to help arrives, I will. Still there is not much I can do. This is also one reason why I decided not to mention too much about the situation as I believe that everybody at the moment are writing about them. (As now have I.)

Anyhows I am going to be here for couple of days, so we shall see if I will be writing more or less compared to my usual writing. :P

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