When this year started I thought I wouldn't have anything to do. Now it seems that I have more to do than I have time. I haven't had to turn down that much things. Just one actually, so you might think that what am I complaining... But I do actually have a lot to complain. One thing is that now that I am back (in Finland), I yet again am the one who goes take care of my granny. My mother has started to take care of her as well, but she still puts everything else before her.
I would love to spend more time with her, but I think that the rest of the family could do so too. I know people have their own lives and work etc. But so do I. Why does it always have to be me? Now, at the moment, I know that my granny is feeling a bit down. Her neighbor died (she was few years younger than my granny) and that realization hit quite hard on her. She also was in the hospital earlier this year.
She would need people to visit her, just stop by and say hi! But I am not sure if anyone has. I know my uncle will try to visit her (points for him). I visit her next weeks weekend. This weekend I am going to see my friend whom I haven't seen since last summer/fall. It's been really long time. I need to be more in touch with my friends.
I still also help my brother by babysitting. Also in my plans there is trip to Brighton to celebrate my friends bday, and visit to Stockholm to see that same friend with my sis. :P This is in next few months before the summer. I am not yet planning my summer, even though I have reserved few weeks from there. I try to go day by day, few months at the time. Just so that I can try to be a bit more relaxed (not so control freak).
That's enough for today I think :)
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