Monday, July 28, 2014

Summer trip 3 part 1

Dog sitting in Turku. After dog sitting in Tornio (involved no traveling) I traveled with my niece and nephew to Turku to dog sit two of my aunts dogs. On Saturday evening we hopped in a night train and traveled to Turku. Best part of this travel is that my trip is paid by my aunt's ex and my nieces trip is paid by my sister. My nephew is young enough to travel with my ticket. My niece and nephew slept in the same bed (on different ends) and I slept on the top bunk. Two reasons for why I slept there. First it was hotter there and second it gave all of us the most room to sleep. 

Sunday morning we took a cab from the station to my aunt's place as the bag I had was terrible to carry. Luckily my aunt paid it, so I did not need to pay that either. She also had picked up some food for us before going on her trip. Well she was leaving on Monday, so we had the whole Sunday to spent together. I had not told her that my niece was coming until closer to the date. We did nothing special, just relax after the long travel.

On Monday morning my aunt's boyfriend arrived and they left to Lappeenranta. My niece, my nephew and I decided to visit the local library. The section where all the kids books are, were made really entertaining. There were displays for kids to look at in the bookshelves and in the floor. Unfortunately my niece had a sore throat and we did not do much else during that day. Just relaxed and drank warm drinks.

On Tuesday she luckily felt better, and we were able to go out and enjoy the warm weather. We went to a local adventure park for kids (it was a free venue), where we spent about 3 hours. The visit ended with the kids playing with water with their clothes on. They really enjoyed it, while I did not enjoy changing their clothes in a small bathroom. Yes I had planned that they would do so, and did carry a clean set of clothes and towels for them. 

The dogs enjoyed themselves quite a bit as well. They were not worried that my aunt was away. They were a bit more jumpy I assume, but I had no trouble with them. While my niece and nephew played cardboard games I entertained the dogs. 

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