On Friday 6th of June I picked up my other niece first before heading to the camp site to pick up my niece. We had a nice little ride (under an hour) there. As we had arrived a bit too early, we had time to take my nieces bags to the car. Once we were coming back, I saw a familiar figure throwing up... All I could think of was "great! I really hope she is not sick because my sister in law will not like this". Luckily the situation seemed to be over fast, and after drinking a bit of Fanta my niece seemed to be okey. We were rushed out from there, but as everything seemed to be fine I decided to drive back to Pieksämäki.
The girls were fine in the back although it was really hot outside and inside of the car (no a/c). I might have driven a bit faster than usually, but knowing the car I was not speeding. We made a small stop at my granny's and granddad's grave, where my niece looked really red. From this I knew I had to get to my friends place as soon as possible, so I can re-hydrate my niece. It seems that the okey she was when we left was not all okey but a temporary okey and the hot car made it all go wrong again. We stayed at my friends place for few hours. My niece slept most of the time (and threw up a bit) and other niece ate and rested.
Then we continued to the other niece's granny. It took less than an hour to get there, but it was done in a hot car and my niece was getting worse. She would not drink but only wanted to rest. As I had a timetable to keep I knew I had to go go go. Had I known my niece would be like this I would not have picked up the other niece first but waited that she would be more okey. Alas, I had given a few days less and I had to promise to do things before hand. At the granny's the same thing continued. My niece slept most of the three hours I was there. The other niece had arrived to her destination we took all her things inside. To our surprise my sister in law came earlier (than rest of the family) to surprise and see us. The day was the hottest day of the summer (so far).
After we left there it started to get a bit cooler, but I still worried what was ahead of me. My niece had started to throw up a bit more frequent (Still about once an hour so it was not sickness but something else). I sent a text to my dad to pick us something (it was red light when I sent it). He called to ask what we needed and I was able to explain the situation that I think my niece has sun stroke or something like that or at least she is dehydrated and I hadn't forced her to drink before driving (so she did not need to throw up that much in the car). He promised to buy something and go check if he can get our cottage key for us (in case I do not make it). I have to admit that I did do some speeding while driving to Lappeenranta and I did see the police, luckily I did not get any ticket.
We made it, and I received extra bags for throwing up from the reception. We stayed at Huhtiniemi Camping area in a cottage which was one of my niece's wishes (the cottage not the camping area). My dad brought us something to drink and some salt snacks to eat. My niece went almost straight to bed (once I had made it) and laid there drinking sip by sip some Jaffa. I can wrap things up a bit by saying that she continued the sip by sip technique till wee hours of the night. We had the conversation of drinking some fluids, where she said she had just drunk a sip to which I had replied that a sip is not enough but it should be the whole (small) mug as her stomach is empty. She drank it and some more, then slept till morning.
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