Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer trip 2 part 1

My nephew, my dad and I left from Tornio on Monday morning. My dad promised to give us a ride, so we decided to go with him instead of taking a train. This would mean that as my dad had a specific date that he needed to return, that our travel would start on that specific date. Too bad we came to this conclusion just two days prior. Too bad because we were not able to make very specific plans on where to go. Our main plan was to go to Lappeenranta and that would be done. Rest was still a bit of unknown.

So on Monday morning we left with my nephew not knowing how the drive or the travel would go. We took the same route as earlier with my niece, with the difference that we did not make a detour in Pieksämäki. First my dad drove to the first rest stop (Pulkkila) and then I drove to Kuopio and Mikkeli. We had a plan to give my nephew something to eat in the car, so he could just play in the rest stops. We were in luck and the day was not too hot. We drove in a small car, so the heat would have been a real problem.

In Lappeenranta we spent the nights in our aunts city apartment. The days we spent walking around the city. During the first day i.e. Tuesday we walked to Sand Castle via the Fortress. We walked about 2.5 km (which is not much for me, but my nephew is 4 years old) and then had some lunch from Satama Sanni. Mmmm Vety and Atomi are the best! While we were eating the lunch at the apartment my dad came by. We then went out again and walked another 2.5 km route. We walked through the church park (and my nephew played in the playground for a while) to the market place. My nephew wanted to listen to live music (violin and harmonica) so we stayed at the market place for about 25 minutes. 

Then we walked back to the playground for another spin. From there we walked to the fortress and continued to the playground at the harbor. Then it started to be so late, that it was time to think about what we were going to eat that night. I decided (we had talked about eating pizza) that instead of fast food we would go and eat out. The benefits would be that we would be out, and the place that I had in my mind had a playground. So he would be entertained. We separated from my dad and went to eat at Rosso. The food was good and we spent there almost two hours. Unfortunately the food contained quite a lot lactose which we found out the next day. But for Tuesday, we ate and felt good.

Then we walked back to the apartment and I let my nephew to play with my phone a bit. I laid down on the bed next to him, and fell asleep while he played. When I woke up about an hour later, he was curled next to me also asleep... Oh, well we did have a long day but I had hoped that he would not fall asleep yet. So I had to wake him up, take him to shower, feed him one last time and put him back to bed. Well of course he was quite woken up by the time it was time to close his eyes. We did stay up a bit later than normally, but he did not have any trouble falling asleep again. 

More of our trip in a next post! 

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