Sunday, July 20, 2014

Dog sitting

I am currently dog sitting my friends dog. It also means that I have some time for myself and don't have to babysit currently. Also I can sleep as late as I want. The benefits are that I have the internet to use and no-one watching over. A bit weird "living" in someone-else's home, but luckily it is just temporary arrangement for few days. Next I will go dog sit my aunt's dogs in Turku. Similar arrangement with the difference of the kids coming with me. 

 Whopsie, this post is really short. I though I had a bit more to say about dog sitting, but I don't. I am having free time now and not so much when I am in Turku. I don't mind though cause I would not be able to travel if it weren't these small tasks. Oh, it is Sunday, so I do not need to make a long post (in reality I am arriving Turku as you read this).

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