How to train your dragon 2. I've seen it. I should make a post of its own for it, but alas I am lazy so I am just going to review it here. So on Wednesday we went to see the How to train your dragon 2. I kept it a secret for as long as possible. The kids new that we were going to the movies, but did not know what we were going to see. We did buy some popcorn and drinks at the movie theater, but candy we had bought earlier from a store.
The movie did not start from where the last one ended. Quite good start in my opinion. So the time had passed there like it had in the real world. The characters were grown, which made me think if it was a good idea to bring the kids.. Well they were old enough. Trying not to spoil anything, but this time the focus of the movie is not as much on the vikings as it is on the back story of the lead character. Lots of growing happening in the movie, and you might cry a bit at certain points. It is a bit scary for the 4 year old, so it is quite good idea to hold their hands.
On Thursday I let my niece to choose the activity for the day. Since the bathing suites had been forgotten at home, the beach day was open for suggestions. She wanted to go back to the park we had been the day before. So we prepared us for the activity, and off we went. I had the clothes and the kids carried the food and drinks. The day went quite well, until the rain started. It was not supposed to rain at all according to the forecast. Oh, well I just informed the kids that it was time to go play in the water when the rain started. I, myself, went indoors so I would not get wet. I did not have spare clothing with me for myself. My nephew would visit me once in a while letting me know how it was going, and asking permission if he could still go outside. Once the rain stopped, I suggested that we changed the wet clothes to dry ones. Then we walked back with some sun shine. In the evening my aunt came back from her trip, and I did not need to do the late night outing with the dogs.
On Friday morning the kids woke up around 7 as usual. My aunt slept a bit later with the dogs, which seemed to enjoy the possibility to sleep late. This was our last day in Turku, as we would leave at night with the night train. No special plans for the day, just pack everything and go out to eat. The eating was a bit delayed as my aunt got some bad news and she was a bit out because of it. So the kids and I left to Rosso to start eating, and waited to see if my aunt would join us. Luckily she did, so I did not need to eat everything that the kids were not able to eat. She did take her own ice cream, so I did not need to share mine with her. In the evening we took a taxi to the train station as we had a lot of bags to carry. Luckily the taxi had a seat for my nephew, unlike the on our way to my aunt. The room we had this time was upstairs and had its own bathroom with shower. It was a small combo bathroom (toilet and the bathroom overlapping). It was really a good thing, as now we were able to go to bed much faster than we would have if we stayed downstairs. The train took about 13 hours and then we arrived to Kemi where my sister was waiting for us.