Thursday, August 09, 2012

Tampere and Sunday & Monday

During the sunday we didn't do much. We walked to Miami (restaurant) through a park.It is called a duck park, because there is so many birds. As you can see I was able to take few pictures :) We continued our way as there were people who were feeding the birds and the seagulls were kind of aggressive. So we didn't want to be attacked by a bird and we left. Have I already mentioned that I was attacked by a seagull in Korkeasaari? I probably have, so enough about that.

From the park we went to find a cardigan for my friend because it was a bit chilly (well not for me). We walked around Koskikeskus, looking for it, but did not find a good one. My friend did find something else that she needed :) So it was not totally a goose chase.

In Miami we went to terrace and waited for another friend to arrive. She had had bachelorette party the day before to which we did not go. We decided that we wanted to spend some more time with her by ourselves so we asked if she would be able to come join us for lunch. I do have to say that the food was good and the company was excellent. Although I think our friend might have hurt her feelings a bit because we weren't in her B-party.

On Monday, I went to visit another friend who had moved to Nokia. I was supposed to stay there for few (aka 4) hours, but I ended up staying there for doubble that. One reason was because her husband came home and blocked my way out :) I didn't mind, it was good to be able to talk about stuff with her. She liked it too because she has a small child and there isn't always an opportunity to talk to adults. Her new place is wonderful. They have apple, pear, cherry and plum trees! They also have blue berries, strawberries, red and black currants and rasberries. What a wonderful yard! There is of course lot to be done, as this was their first summer there, so they just let it all grow and saw what is needed to be done. That is pretty much what kind of a yard I want.

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