Friday, August 10, 2012

Late night baking

I will be having friends coming over tomorrow. So I decided that I will be baking something for them. I went to the store in time and got all the ingredients. So what the hell am I doing baking in this late hour! :)) I thought I started in time, but I don't know what happened. Maybe it was the dishes that I did first... Well anyway, I have now done a pizza with chiken, onion, red pepper, pine apple, tomato sauce and cheese.

Yammy looking, hopefully it will taste as good!
 Then for a bit of extra work I decided to do a mudcake. This has dark choclate and apple sauce with lemon twist in it. The lemon is really just so that I can say I put it in. I am pretty sure that you can't taste it actually. So this extra is the one that I started with... Oh, well... I also noticed when I started to whip the eggs and sugar that my mixer is fixed! It started to work from number 1, while so far since I bought it from the store it has started from three or four. I have had things brake down during this summer (one thing less to pack I have always said) and now I have something that fixes itself??

Apple-mudcake (with lemon twist)
So the last thing I baked was the first thing in my mind... It was a lemon pie. Instead of cream I used quark (because I had some extra).
Lemon Pie
So, I used quite well the ingredients that I have at home. But I did notice that I might need to buy some more if I want to do some more. Well the butter is okey to buy and sugar... but the paking powder is something that I rather not buy more. Because I will not be able to use it all... Oh well, I am sure if I buy it that I can give it forward or use it at my sisters place...

Oh and update on my moving process:
Terrace table and chairs + bbq will be going to a friend of mine in Tampere untill she will get her own.
Freezer might be going to another friend in Nokia
The bench, two dressers, coke glasses, bread grill will be going to a friend in Koria

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