Friday, August 10, 2012

Baking and baby sitting

Last Wednesday I promised to babysit my niece and nephew while my sister in law visits the city (I don't remember where she went :P) So to prepare for this visit I made a pizza (rye based) and pie. Well actually I made two pies, as the first one that I did has mascapone which is milk based and then I remembered that that is no good. So I made another pie with lactose free quark.

Pizza was made with kebab and pineapple. I didn't add any spices to it as I thought the kids might eat it too, so I tried to keep it child friendly. They of course did not want to eat it at all, they just wanted pie. Well they just wanted to watch dvd and not eat anything.

The first pie I made has two parts: Red Currant and Rhubarb. I also added white choclate and lemon to it. I have to say that it tastes really yummy! The second pie has just rhubarb. A bit of lemon added to the topping as well. I can say that you can easily add a lemon to a pie, as it really doesn't taste easily. I think you need at least 4 lemons to make a lemon pie. Unfortunately I do not have a pic of the second pie. I thought I did, but we ate it before I was able to take a pic of it :)

The babysitting went very well, as I let them watch Once upon America. It was actually a xmas present for my other niece, but I am sure she won't mind that the dvd pack is not in plastic wrap. :)

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