Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Bumps in the road

I just read from a blog that Sweden has stopped giving Finns the IEC Visa, to which I am planning to apply for. Reason why I haven't done so yet, is that I haven't received the criminal extracts yet. Had to wait to get the fingerprints and now I have to wait to get the money order. So I am just hoping that this thing that Sweden won't give Visas to Finns will go away or that Finland will make a deal with Canada about similar Visa.

Annoying thing, but it really doesn't affect my plans. Well if I don't have to wait to apply for the visa, I can go sooner. As the only reason I am applying it is, that I don't have to run in the office to get my approval to stay every so often. I did it in Grenada and it was not that nice that I would like to do it again. So this might also mean that I would be staying a bit shorter amount of time, or that I would need to visit home base to get a renewed stay.

I have already sent emails about this to verify if this really is true, and if it applies to me (as I will be already working when I go there). I already knew that there were limited amount of Finns that they would take, so I was ready to wait till January. I just will have to hope that this working holiday deal is made with Finland as well. Just because it would make things so much easier.

/edit: Well I received an email, as an answer to my question. What can I say! Of course they did not answer my question! They just asked me to contact Sweden to ask if I am eligible. Right. I asked if the rumors were true that  Swedes have stopped giving the Visa and if there will be one in Finland (similar program). Well that would mean that they still provided for Finns if I read the message right. oh, my head!

/edit 2: Well I received an email from Sweden. They confirmed the rumors and recommended that if I want the Visa I should try via CIMO or Allianssi. Although they said also that I do not necessarily need one. So now I need to do some calculating. The criminal extracts I will be getting, because I have already put so much work in them and for the off chance that the embassy in Finland will start to give the visa's as well.

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