Friday, October 30, 2015

Phone interview

I had a phone interview yesterday. It went pretty well and it seems that they might be offering me a job right away. This is because I had been to another interview at the company earlier (couple of months ago) and that interviewer had given me a positive feedback. The interviewer now said that she would inform the boss about me and we would wait for her feedback on how to go forward. She said she would be contactin me in couple of days. 

Well, about six pm yesterday (the time I am actually writing this) I went to pick up my phone from kitchen. What do I see! I have a missed call! The interviewer (checked the number) had called me and I did not even hear it! I mean come on! So I have to wait till Friday (tomorrow) to call back. She only tried to call once, so I don't think I will be harmed by this by anyway.

So I might be having a job soon. This would be as customer service in Insurance field.

One other job that I would love to have is technical support at this one company where I have been interviewed for something else. They have a job opeing and I've applied to it. The only thing is that I think I might have been offered the first job even before the application time closes for this one. This would be a better job, because it would pay more. And it would be a full time (the other one would not). 

Well nothing is certain yet, so all I need to do is to wait.

Edit: Well as it happens, I was offered the job just two hours after the phone interview (hence this edit)

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The smell of smoke

The smell that has been bothering me the whole time I have lived in this apartment (on and off, the summer was not so bad) seems to have stopped. This is day three without the smell. Yesterday I had a guy come over to check the smell, and there was none. Just my luck. Now I wish that the smell would just stay away, or then it should come back asap so it can be fixed. I thought the person smoking was away, because I was not able to "spy" in (the windows is usually open so you know someone is at home). Late last night I saw some light coming out, so there must be someone home. So fingers crossed that they've stopped smoking.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Inside out (2015)

My sister and my niece were visiting me a couple of weeks ago (how time flies). We decided to go to movies while they were here, as it is nice and easy. We let my niece to decided what she would like to see. She chose Inside out (which I have been waiting forever since I saw the preview) (Woop!) dubbed (...). Oh, well. So not original, so I don't know how much better the original would be, but the dubbed was pretty good as well. Fine I admit! I cried a little. I bet I would have cried more if the movie was the original...

It is all about emotions. It is a children's movie but I say there is a lot to learn for everyone. Children probably just enjoy the movie and the adventure, but for adults it is a friendly reminder. Go watch it and you'll know what I am talking about. I think this movie would be really good as a learning material for school. I can think of papers I would write and the themes one could write about... Must see! Definitely a must see movie for everyone. It has been a long, long time since I saw a must see movie. Go and watch it now at the movie theater near you! 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What'a day!

Hey! How's it going? How've you been?

So today I had my interview for an employment agency followed by a Monster club seminar. In the morning I barely woke at 6:30 so I snoozed till 6:40. I was out and about at 7:30 as the interview started at 8:00. I was at the employment agency sharply 7:50 (I checked my phone). The interview started at the time it was supposed to start and lasted about an hour. I think it went okey considering that the job the interview was for is not certain (i.e. there might or might not be a job opening). 

I walked to Koskikeskus to spent some time as I had about 3,5 hour before the seminar thingy in Siperia. No worries here, just spending time and annoying a friend and my sister with messages. After I left Koskikeskus I went to have a cup of coffee at cafe Bloom (which is next to Siperia) and noticed a funny thing. There is a cut in my sleeve. Three holes to be more exact, with one of them being a big one. On my left hand (the side where the interviewer was) and I do tend to wave my hands while talking...  First thought: Gah! This was an expensive jacket! Noooooooo! Can I fix it? No, well yes but it will look ugly (because of the type of material the jacket is). Second thought: Maybe the interviewer did not notice it. 

The cafe had small bathroom, so I decided to go to the nearby Finnkino. I had lots of layers, so I needed space to do what I needed to do. No problem until I saw myself on the mirror! I had buttoned the wrong button and buttonhole. I had not seen it at home. What must have the interviewer think!? If she did not notice these things, I am not going to bring any attention to them by asking her about it. So I went to wait for the time to pass, now that I had fixed myself. Then I noticed that I need to pull up one of my layers and whilst doing so my tights broke. So back to bathroom I went to take them off. Luckily it was not that cold (just +5C) so my legs would not freeze. 

So to seminar I went, now all fixed up. It was not all that well organized, or at least that was my first observation. Luckily the seminar itself was good and I enjoyed the introductions of the companies. Unfortunately when the seminar came to an end I pulled down my bag and the lowest button on my jacket flew off. It was not even buttoned or anything. It just popped. I took the button with me so I can put it back at some point. I introduced myself to agents from three different employment agencies and gave them my CV's. So all in all a good day. 

I think I might need to add here, that I got home all safe and sound. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Things that bother me

(Yes it is very late and I should probably just go to bed. Just adding up things that I have noticed)

You know in social situation when you talk about your plans with your friends, you expect to be listened to. I have noticed that in a few cases this is not the case. I would understand if I had been talking about a thing in a far future but the next week is not that far. Also if the other part is involved in the plans (well in this case the plan was not to see as I would not have been at home). 

Other thing in a social situation why do people play with their phones all the time! I understand checking messages and calls as they are normal. But facebooking and playing games is a bit too much (in cases where you only see the other ones for a few hours). If you spend the whole day together than I don't mind. The idea is to spent time with your friends, so you can do the extra activity with your phone later.

Pushing singles ones to date. Need I say more? This is usually problem with those who date. 

Negativity. I try to be my positive best everyday. I have started to notice this that when some people have an experience that if it does not wow them, they will talk down on that experience i.e. "there was nothing special in it." Not everything is a wow experience, but if you have a positive mind send you will have a positive experience. Finding the silver lining in a bad situation and sticking with the good you find. What I am talking about in this negativity part, is the small negativity: talking down, using disrespectful tone (when you think no-one notices it) and ignoring what others have to say. 

People who are unable to budget. I do admit that at the moment my own budget is not working. It is not totally bad, but it could be better (I have no other debt than my credit card). I am owed a bit more than my debt, so I am not worried. I have noticed that even though you would get some money (inheritance or settlement or win a medium amount at lottery), it will be gone quite fast. Well I did not get too much inheritance from my granny, but enough to have spent it in I think three months. 

The fucking cigarette smell in this apartment! Well it does not bother me as much as I just hate it. Apparently there is nothing that can be done about it! Yes you smokers can smoke at your own home as much as you please, but come on! The smoker is in the first floor and I am in the third! It is getting freezing outside so I can't keep the windows open all the time. 

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Missing Canada

It's been a long time since I last missed Canada this much. Just wish it would be easier to find a job there. It is a pain in the butt here in Finland so I think it is even bigger pain in Canada. I know that it is not easy to find a job in Canada, because I have friends over there that have told me so. Still I would love to move back there. Maybe it is because I have so much time at the moment, that I wish I could spent it in Toronto. Mmmm, Tim's!

I hate that I can't afford to travel to Canada at the moment. If I do not have a job, I might travel in January as I would have received my tax returns by then. I am not sure if I want to spent the money on that as I am saving money for maybe moving to Canada. But it just doesn't seem possible at the moment. Baaaw!

And now my antivirus software started acting up! Gah! What's its problem?!

Wednesday, October 07, 2015


I have finally bought a Blu-ray player! I bought it from this sales event that is called "Crazy Days". I thought I got it cheap until I did some googling. You guessed right! I found the player a bit cheaper and the HDMI cable they sold me a lot cheaper! I feel ripped off because of the HDMI-cable. They took almost 20€ for the cable. So the total price I paid was almost 70€. 

My sister just told me that I should not think about it too much as I will feel worse otherwise. I also recommended it to my aunt. She bought it from online store, so she only ordered the player. I informed her that she needs the HDMI cable as well. So she will be able to find it cheaper from somewhere else. What a rip off!

Gnah! I was going to write a happy post about how I finally got something I have wished for a long time. Now I am just thinking that I could have used the extra bit for food instead of the expensive cable. The reason why I bought it now, is that I have my sister and my niece plus my other niece and nephew coming over in few weeks time. They will spent only couple of days here, but I think I will need some entertainment for them in case it rains. I have used my computer before, but it is a bit inconveniently located. This solved the problem and now I will be able to watch my own DVD's from the sofa. 

So I will concentrate on that for now. All is good in the end!

Monday, October 05, 2015

Beep, beep, beep

Fire alarm, you know!

Of course it starts beeping after nine. I was facing a bit of a challenge... I wasn't sure how I would get it off the ceiling. First chair I tried was no good. Luckily, the other chair was just a bit taller and it did the trick. Now I had my fingers around the fire alarm. Then I had to try to wiggle it off. 

I admit, I googled the thing (it is a brand fire alarm, so I googled instructions). It is funny how the thing I tried first but wasn't successful with it, was actually the correct thing to do. I seriously tried to take it off for five minutes. Then after reading the instructions, poof, it just came off. Come on! 

Now I need to buy some batteries and wonder how I will put it back. It was tricky already to take it down, and I think I might need a few more inches to get it back. I think I will put my shoes on... Luckily I hadn't gone to bed yet, otherwise I would be a lot more crankier. 

Friday, October 02, 2015

General update

I named this general update, because I really didn't want to name yet another post about the birthday gift. But anyway, it has finally been sent out and the knife is actually almost there. I think my sister in law will pick it up today. Then I will know if it has been a total bust. So every time I sent an email, they told me that it will be posted today or tomorrow... And it has been posted out yesterday. So the last two weeks I've been told lies. Yeah, not going to order anything from there. 

I mentioned earlier that I've been to two interviews. Well, now I have been informed that I was not chosen. To one they took someone within the company due to the job being only for few months. The other loved me for the job, but thought that I've done so much before, so I would be demotivated to work for them. So... I am focusing on finding something interesting, where I would not be over qualified. 

What else... Nope, nothing new.