So for Halloween I went out for a walk. Yeah, I know crazy me! I wanted to see if people would actually go out. Indeed, I was not disappointed. There were quite many children in their costumes walking around almost door to door asking for candy. Well the correct term I believe is Trick or Treat. I was surprised that not that many houses were decorated. There were a pumpkin on half of the houses (either as a lantern or a picture in the window), but really decorated ones were rare.
Also it was quite dark to see some of the decorations, because there was no light directed at them. There was one house where they used lights to show the decorations. Also it might be that because it was a bit rainy, that many decided not to bother. I'm sorry that there will be no pictures in this post, but as I said it was quite dark. The pictures did not come out at all.
I did not dress up when I went out. I did have my skull bag with me so I wasn't that out of character. What else halloweeny have I done.. Oh, I have eaten a ton of candy. Well not a ton, but my fare share of it. I just simply love Candy Corn (the specific kind).
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