Friday, November 15, 2013

Forgetting the password

Argh! I got paid today (hopefully), and I was supposed to transfer the rent and some expenses here today. But no. I know the password but apparently I am not writing it right. I tried it that many times, that the password attempt has been locked. So now I have to wait until it is Monday in Finland as the bank is closed already. Argh I tell ya!

Hope is not all lost, as if I would transfer the money now, it still would not be processed until Monday. It just annoys me so much that I cannot do it now. I totally forgot that today was payday, so once I remembered it I wanted to take care of the thing right away. Also I would have liked to check that I indeed have been paid. Not knowing is the worst. 

I am under too much stress at the moment. Going back to hit my head on the wall i.e. to work.

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