Saturday, November 23, 2013

Break-ups and divorces

I have no idea what is going on! So many couples that I know have broken up. There are two divorces that are going on at the moment, one separation or a "time-out" and two have broken up with their boyfriends. All this in the last six months. Weird! Two of the couples I know have children and one couple had talked about getting married before the break up. Of course I know that people break up and divorce daily, but people that I know don't usually do it at the same time. 

I am just hoping all the best for my friends and hope that their life is going to be a bit more sunny now. For some I know that the decision was a good one, as the partner was not a very trustworthy (so the break-up is because of something they did). Me and one of my friends talked about this, as her co-worker also said that they know quite many people as well who have broken up. We wondered what the hell is wrong with men, because in most cases it is how they behave that has lead to the end result. I can't say of all the break ups as I do not know the details, but so far it is not looking good for men. 

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