Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Where am I going next?

Well next I am going to Helsinki during next weekend. I will be flying with my sister and niece in the wee hours of morning on Saturday. Then we will be spending the day at Helsinki, before I leave to Turku in the evening. I have informed my friends on FB and via personal messages that I will be coming, but at the moment it seems that not so many are interested in meeting me. I am usually the one who goes to meet the friends and it rarely goes the otherway. So this can be seen as a test, who is willing to see me. I like those friends who are willing to put the same amount of effort to the friendship as I am. 

Then as I mentioned earlier I am going to Turku to spent few weeks at my aunt's place. During that time I hope to receive my new work computer and then few papers from my boss to prove that I am working for him although I am living in Canada. One character reference from him as well. Then I think I have all the papers that I need. 

On 27th of this month I will be flying to Toronto via London. I will spent few hours at near by area of London to spent some time with my friend. Then from there I will fly to Toronto, and I will stay the first few nights at a hotel. I haven't yet found an apartment, but I hope it will be much easier to find when I have moved there. Also I am looking for a bachelor apartment mainly, so if I need to I can switch it up to one bed room apartment. So I am flexible with my housing needs. I wish to have from this certain area, but if it comes to choosing an apartment or living in a hotel for a month, I choose the apartment from any reagion. As long as it does not have bed bugs.


  1. Saanko mä vähän anteeksi kun en tuu huomenna Helsinkiin, kun oon tulossa sit Kanadaan?

  2. Well, you are putting the effort to come see me in Canada so of course you are forgiven :)) You are coming the extra mile as somewhere it is said.
