Friday, February 22, 2013

Less than a week

Than I will be living on my own again!

OMG How have I waited for this. I really do not think I will survive living with another person anymore. It is best for everyone that I live on my own as otherwise I will bite their heads off. I am getting so annoyed right about now. 

But no, will have to stay civil even though I don't want to. 

At least I got a new computer! Taking this bit out as it did not come out right.

edit: I don't understand my Aunt she saw that I was not perky and she asked why I said that it is probably because I am hungry. She had not tried to talk to me before but now that she saw that I did not want to talk, she really pushed it! She just continued at it like a dog with a bone. Then I just said Hey, I haven't yet eaten anything I cannot say if I am okey yet. I will need to eat something first! Now I am okey, but because she pushed I don't want to talk to her. If she would have just ignored me like she has done so far, and let me eat I would be really happy.

Now I know that she will wait until I come to talk to her. She is allowed to be upset, he is allowed to be upset, but I am not?? Also why oh why does she need an audience to talk to me about something that I feel is a private matter anyway! So yeah, now I am just waiting if I want to talk to her or not. 

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