Friday, February 22, 2013

Waiting for update

I have received the package from my sister.

Have not yet received my glasses... They were supposed to be here by now, but I just received a call today that informed me that the glasses had arrived to Tornio today... Blaah!

Have not yet received the package from my friend which also was supposed to arrive by now. :((

No news about the apartment

Next Wednesday is getting closer day by day. :))


  1. Hei.. Avaa thread PP:seen.. Sieltä saattaas saada vinkkejä :)

  2. Heh, joo vois kohta vaikka avatakin :) Noh kattoo miltä tilanne sitten näyttää kun pääsen tuonne asti. Siel voi olla vaiks kui paljon kämppiä vapaana, mut ne ei vaan ilmoittele niistä netissä.
