Friday, February 22, 2013

Waiting for update

I have received the package from my sister.

Have not yet received my glasses... They were supposed to be here by now, but I just received a call today that informed me that the glasses had arrived to Tornio today... Blaah!

Have not yet received the package from my friend which also was supposed to arrive by now. :((

No news about the apartment

Next Wednesday is getting closer day by day. :))

Less than a week

Than I will be living on my own again!

OMG How have I waited for this. I really do not think I will survive living with another person anymore. It is best for everyone that I live on my own as otherwise I will bite their heads off. I am getting so annoyed right about now. 

But no, will have to stay civil even though I don't want to. 

At least I got a new computer! Taking this bit out as it did not come out right.

edit: I don't understand my Aunt she saw that I was not perky and she asked why I said that it is probably because I am hungry. She had not tried to talk to me before but now that she saw that I did not want to talk, she really pushed it! She just continued at it like a dog with a bone. Then I just said Hey, I haven't yet eaten anything I cannot say if I am okey yet. I will need to eat something first! Now I am okey, but because she pushed I don't want to talk to her. If she would have just ignored me like she has done so far, and let me eat I would be really happy.

Now I know that she will wait until I come to talk to her. She is allowed to be upset, he is allowed to be upset, but I am not?? Also why oh why does she need an audience to talk to me about something that I feel is a private matter anyway! So yeah, now I am just waiting if I want to talk to her or not. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Waiting for...

  1. My glasses to arrive :)
  2. Package from a friend to arrive
  3. Package from my sister to arrive
  4. Next Wednesday
  5. To find a new apartment

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Yes I am using blog to spice up my memory

This is why I am posting all kinds of what to do lists here...

Now I am trying to think if I have forgotten to do anything. I know I will need to see dental hygienist before I leave. Also I will receive my new glasses about a week from now (they are sent here from Tornio). In the end of the week I will be calling or ask if the bank can call me about opening the account. Then I will also email the apartment building where I want an apartment from. Just to see if they have availability (it says so online, but they told me that they didn't). If they do not have availability, then I will need to find another place. I might just need to pay more for the apartment. (I am hoping to get an apartment with price tag of 700-800 per month.) I have only one thing that the apartment should not have; bedbugs.

So what am I missing. I have passport, tickets, hotel, insurance, luggages packed, toothbrush (electrical and normal), international drivers license.... What have I forgot? I have this feeling like I have forgot something... Maybe it will go away if I call my dad and tell him that I will be leaving on 27th. Hopefully this will help that I write all this down, and soon will remember what I have forgotten or remember that I haven't forgotten anything :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

International drivers license

Yesterday I got my international drivers license :) Just checked from few sites that they confirm my suspicion that it will be all I need. So I do not need to get a Canadian drivers license, unless I want to. I also checked out where to lease a car. I probably will not make a deal to lease a car myself but will buy out someone's lease instead. Just because it would be cheaper. Also this would mean that I do not need to get a car for the whole time, but I can use the car for few months and then give it up. Then if I feel I need a car just find another lease to use for few months.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Plane, Helsinki and Turku

Saturday morning in the wee hours of the morning, we went to the airport to fly to Helsinki. It was the first time my niece would fly and we were a bit worried if she would have her mothers ears. If she did, then she probably would not like to fly ever again. She was really exited about flying as she had heard so much of it. To cut the long story shorter, I am happy to say that there were no problems while flying. She did get a bit uncomfy but okey as soon as we reminded her how to deal with the ear pressure. Also she was able to eat candy while in the air.

Then we went to the (at the moment) only Starbucks in Finland (which is at the airport Helsinki-Vantaa) and got some breakfast. My niece then rested a bit as we had woken up really early and there were no place for us to stay or visit during the day. This is why we had planned that we would be going to the movie theater, so we all would have some time to sit and rest. But back to the business. From airport we took a bus to the city center, which was a nice journey for my niece as well.

First we took my luggages to the central bus station for holding and then we went to see if there was any movies going on. We were in luck, and we went to see Niko 2. Before the movie started we went to check out the Helsinki Museum. It was really lovely. After the movie we went to eat some lunch at Scanburger. I would like to give an advice to everyone who is planning on visiting Finland. Do not eat at Scan burger the food is not great. It is really bad!

Then we went to Ateneum. In Ateneum we viewed many paintings by many painters. It was awesome really, but I don't know what to write about the paintings. We did not spend so much time looking at them as it was my niece's first time there. But she liked it very much. After the Ateneum we went to Fazer cafe in Forum. That experience was not as nice as we thought it would be. Forum was in middle of renovation so there was not so much room and there were a lot of people there at the same time.

Oh, and while we were there we saw Chinese new year celebrations. My sister told me that they were able to see the fireworks, which I missed as I left to Turku almost an hour earlier than they left. But during the day we saw and heard the celebrations go on. What else. Well that is basically the whole day, when we were in Helsinki. I went to Turku with bus (9 euros, offer from online).

When I arrived to Turku my aunt had asked a friend of theirs to help me with my luggages. I have two luggages that are _heavy_. I have now within this few days been baking and playing board games. This is because my boss has been sick, and my aunt was taking care of "their son" by her self. So I was helping out there. All I am going to say is that wow my nieces and nephews are well behaving children...

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Where am I going next?

Well next I am going to Helsinki during next weekend. I will be flying with my sister and niece in the wee hours of morning on Saturday. Then we will be spending the day at Helsinki, before I leave to Turku in the evening. I have informed my friends on FB and via personal messages that I will be coming, but at the moment it seems that not so many are interested in meeting me. I am usually the one who goes to meet the friends and it rarely goes the otherway. So this can be seen as a test, who is willing to see me. I like those friends who are willing to put the same amount of effort to the friendship as I am. 

Then as I mentioned earlier I am going to Turku to spent few weeks at my aunt's place. During that time I hope to receive my new work computer and then few papers from my boss to prove that I am working for him although I am living in Canada. One character reference from him as well. Then I think I have all the papers that I need. 

On 27th of this month I will be flying to Toronto via London. I will spent few hours at near by area of London to spent some time with my friend. Then from there I will fly to Toronto, and I will stay the first few nights at a hotel. I haven't yet found an apartment, but I hope it will be much easier to find when I have moved there. Also I am looking for a bachelor apartment mainly, so if I need to I can switch it up to one bed room apartment. So I am flexible with my housing needs. I wish to have from this certain area, but if it comes to choosing an apartment or living in a hotel for a month, I choose the apartment from any reagion. As long as it does not have bed bugs.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Updating my check list

So what have I done so far:
Tickets to Canada, check
Hotel, check
Tickets to Helsinki, check
Tickets to Turku (from Helsinki), check
Packed my bags, almost done aka check
Ordered new glasses, check (although I wish I did not need to do so)
Travel insurance, check
Informed Kela, check
International drivers license, check

What to do:
Pack school stuff and computer
Loads of other stuff as well, but now I am going to continue working and not think about that stuff.

Friday, February 01, 2013

My knees :/

Do you remember when I told you that I almost flipped and fell down on my knees instead... My legs are fine at the moment. Still a bit weird to kneel down but they are not hurting anymore. Here is a pic of my knees now. I think you will notice which took the most direct hit.