Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Work, school, travel arrangements

I will be leaving in few days, and no I have not yet packed any bags. I have the things I need in my mind and probably will pack something today. The reason why I haven't packed anything yet is that I am busy with work and school. I have to submit few papers in three days earlier than others, because of the travelling. Not a problem per se, but since I was not expecting to be this busy with work I do not have as much time as I had hoped for. 

Well all is going well. I have started both papers and I have 1,5 tasks not done in the first paper and about 3,5 pages to do in the other. Than I am done schoolwise. Work is busy because I need to find all the sites where there is a review of our product and list them (which reciew for which software) plus correspond to any questions about our new software that we released this monday.

My sister already asked me why my boss wants to release the software always then when I am not here... This time I won't be able to consult my sister as I will be way too busy in Winnipeg, Manitoba (wohoo). I emptied our work email address yesterday, when we received a notice that it is to full (about 300 %). So I emptied it quite well. Not sure how it still has so much stuff in it as I took a lot out. Well now it is not over the limit. Oh and at one point it (how much space it took) started to grow and got actually about 500% (where 100% is fully used). It took unbelivably long to sort it out, when all I needed to do was empty few folders... My Thunderbird didn't quite like it.

I am less concerned about what grade I am going to get and more concerned that I will be able to do the papers in time. I will get some extra time when I take the mobile internet with me, but there really is not that much use for it. Well I need the internet to do the searching. But still I will have to send the papers in latest in the morning of 9th. My flight leaves at 7 am. Oh and my train is in Tikkurila at 23:30... So I have few hours to get to the airport. As it is early flight I think I can drop my bag in when I arrive and can use the free internet in some lounge area (can't remember where there was free wifi, but I know somewhere there was).

So yes about the travel arrangements. I will leave Kemi on Thursday and arrive Tikkurila at midnight, then leave to Amsterdam at 7 am Friday morning. Will spent 6 hours in Amsterdam before going to St. Pauls Minnesota for few more hours. Then from there I will go to Winnipeg and arrive at 23:30 PM local time on 9th. Yeah I will be traveling for about 24 hours and arrive the same day. The return on 16th is about the same exept I will be returning via Calgary instead of Minnesota.

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