Monday, November 05, 2012

Los Ojos De Julia (2010)

I saw the movie Julia's Eyes (2010) few weeks back. It was one of those movies that when you saw the trailer you wanted to see the movie. You had to see the movie as it was going to be all that. Well unfortunately this movie turned out not to be all that. The movie was directed by Guillem Morales and produced Guillermo Del Toro. I mention the producer as well because at first I though the movie was directed by him as it has been advertised as his movie. Well it kind of is his movie, but he is not the director. So at first when I saw the trailer, all I could think about was how like the Orphanage this one was and how it must be a good movie. When a friend of mine asked if I wanted to borrow it from her, I jumped at the occation. I must see this movie!

The plot goes so that there are twins of which the first one dies mysteriously after eye surgery has gone wrong. The second one starts to investigate the death and the events surrounding the eye surgery. The second sister has the same eye problem as her sister and starts to loose her eyesight, obviously, as the movie goes on. I was almost ready to skip to the end at this point as so far the movie was just a cliche to me. I might even say that I was a bit bored about it. I am not goint to give the ending away, so you can make your own opinion about it. All I am saying is that the entertainment value goes down when you can guess what is going to happen next. This is a basic good movie, I can't deny that. If you haven't seen as many movies as I have, this might be even quite surprising. If I hadn't have such high hopes about this movie, I probably wouldn't have been as dissapointed with it as I was in the end. Now don't get me wrong, I don't regret watching it. I like Belén Rueda who playes the lead character and I like the type of movies Guillermo Del Toro makes. It just happened that this one just didn't quite match my expectations. Better luck next!

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