This is a blog. About me. If you need more description, read the blog.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
School papers
Friday, November 23, 2012
Yes, they were kidding
Are U F***ing kidding me!
//edit: Called few minutes after nine; was forwarded to superintendent; got in a loop where no-one answered. Called again after few minutes of wait; got connected to a superintendent; explained my issue and gave my contact information; were promised a contact from my old superintendent. Half hours later I got a call from her; explained my issue and got back "I am so busy right now, tell me your old address and contact information"; ...! Wait what?! You just called me, so you should have my phone number and I already told one person there all the needed information (and I know it is not that big of a place so information should transfer). I was pleasent and gave it to her. So now I am still waiting for news. Just trying not to yell at anyone over the phone, that's my mission for today.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Busy yet again
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
So far so good
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Canad Inn Fort Garry
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Second flight with Delta and airport cont 3
Airports cont 2
First flight with Delta
Airports cont.
Friday, November 09, 2012
When I arrived to helsinki-vantaa airport I noticed that the baggage drop was closed. So this meant that I would need to try to sleep somewhere there. First I picked up some food from Alepa. Then I bought a tea and croissant from cafe Spoon. Then after eating the snack I tried to sleep in the soft bench that are owned by the cafe. I was not the first one to do this, so I dared to stay. Also it was not a busy time of the day.
About 4:30 the drop desk opened and I dropped my bag. This meant that I would be able to catch some more zzzz in a quieter place. Luckily the gate was easy to find and empty, so I sneaked into a corner place and slept some more. I also tweeted about flying with KLM and they tweeted me back! Lovely customer relations. The flight was only 2 h 5 mins but due to the plane staying over night there was some frost that needed to be removed. So we left about 20 mins late. I slept almost the whole flight. I woke up to eat and for landing. More about Schiphol airport later. My free wifi time is up.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Here we go
//edit update2: Just checked for the times for the bus to airport. I won't have to wait long as the bus goes every 20 minutes except during the night. So I have to wait about 13 minutes or less (probably will arrive a bit late, surely not before) and then jump to the bus. The ride will take about 25 minutes, so I will be at the airport around 20 past midnight.Then I will go search if the store at the airport is open. No I will first take the luggage and then go search if the store is open. Afer that I will go to security check. So I would say if I am lucky that I have gone through the security check by 1 am. That leaves me with 5 hours to eat, sleep and find the gate.
My travel plans
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Work, school, travel arrangements
Monday, November 05, 2012
Los Ojos De Julia (2010)
The plot goes so that there are twins of which the first one dies mysteriously after eye surgery has gone wrong. The second one starts to investigate the death and the events surrounding the eye surgery. The second sister has the same eye problem as her sister and starts to loose her eyesight, obviously, as the movie goes on. I was almost ready to skip to the end at this point as so far the movie was just a cliche to me. I might even say that I was a bit bored about it. I am not goint to give the ending away, so you can make your own opinion about it. All I am saying is that the entertainment value goes down when you can guess what is going to happen next. This is a basic good movie, I can't deny that. If you haven't seen as many movies as I have, this might be even quite surprising. If I hadn't have such high hopes about this movie, I probably wouldn't have been as dissapointed with it as I was in the end. Now don't get me wrong, I don't regret watching it. I like Belén Rueda who playes the lead character and I like the type of movies Guillermo Del Toro makes. It just happened that this one just didn't quite match my expectations. Better luck next!