Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BBQ and gaming

Tomorrow I will be going bbq to my friends place. Also there is some gaming involved. I like it so much when my friends have all the games, so I don't have to play at home... You'll see by next Christmas I will have a blue-ray thingy that plays also dvd's and I can watch TV through it.

Anyways the point it is that I'm going BBQ! Yay! It's been a long time since I last did that. I know that I have a working one here, but it's just not the same to do it by yourself. You know what I mean. I prefer that there is at least one other person there, so I don't have to eat it all by myself :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Movies tomorrow

Tomorrow I will be going to see Captain America 3D, its a bit over 2 hours long... So what am I expecting to see. My expectations actually are quite high. I know of CA though I haven't read about it. So the plot can be as twisted as they come and it shouldn't bother me. I like 3D movies and I hope this one will have a bit more effects than Pirates of Caribbean did (really dissapointed with it).

Good company, as I am going there with a friend. Also the theater should be almost empty (no tickets sold yet) so there shouldn't be any annoying phone conversations during the movie. You'd be suprised how normal it is. Also some people text while they are there... Me no like. Allthough if the movie is really, _really_ boring, then I don't mind. As I might do it myself as well.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Things that annoy me

1. Bank fees: They are suprsingly high! I try to avoid any extra fees any way possible. But it sucks that if I wan't to know how much money is in my account I need to pay for the information... This is why I usually do everything online and do not have any cash. Which is annoying sometimes, not to have any cash.

2. My sister when she is describing me how I look: "You know what was funny? To look at you when you looked so worried etc..." Fine I will never show my expressions to her ever again! I am not telling that she looks funny when she is worried or something. I know I have an expression because I was worried she as she was hurting. No need to diminsh it or talk about it.  Grr.

3. I won't drink if you won't drink: Fine, then don't drink! I prefer my friends and family to not care about me not drinking. This is also a feature that my sister possesses. I drink when I want to, not when you want to. (I don't mind it.)

Grr, now I only can think of why she annoys me. She really is not that annoying, but now my mind is just looping.

4. I give support only to our software, so no I do not need to know why Windows is not working on your computer: Customers ask for help on stuff that I am not expert on, then they bitch about my advice! Soon I will not help anyone unless it is specifically related to our software. Do a good deed and get shit in return...

5. People who do not know how to unsubscribe: Really?!? You don't see the link that says click here to unsubscribe! How those few persons who do not know how to do it will make the most fuss and ruin my day (again trying to help and get shit in return).

Friday, August 26, 2011

Some pics of Solo

Solo during the winter time

Waiting to get in


See the toy next to him.... He is waiting me to play with him.

Where there is a sofa, there is Solo

His favourite place :))

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Some of you know that I have a dog. Well I don't anymore. He lived with my sister (simply because they lived in a house and I in appartments) for the past 3 years. I left him to my sister because I moved to abroad and there was no possibility to take him with me. When I moved back I didn't take him back because he was getting old and my niece wanted to have a dog.

He had a really good life and enjoyed playing with the kids. (My sister had another one while I was away.) My Sister got home in the Monday evening and had plans to get her youngest and Solo home from the grandparents. In the Tuesday morning her hubby called and told her that Solo had died (Granny had called him) during the night.

In the end it turned out that he had died already on Monday evening, but they didn't want to bother my sister and her hubby but give them some time together. At this point I have to tell you that when Solo wasn't house trained (most of the time he was but there was accidents) he had one place where he could go with out punishment (aka me asking who is a bad boy in loud voice) and that was the toilet/shower area. This is because it was really easy place to clean.

Why I mentioned this, is because you'll never guess where he went to rest for the last time. His favourite places was under a bed. No, he didn't go there. He loved to be around people. Nope he wasn't near anyone. You wan't me to tell you? Well, he went to the shower area... Always thinking of others. Yes I do believe that he knew what was coming. I am just happy that he died in peace.

Edit: Just few months ago I wrote about Solo the dog. Then I assumed that Solo would be with us a year or two. That didn't happen, but I am happy that he didn't have to suffer for the last few years he had. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bulgaria vol 2

A week ago (Sunday) I left for Golden Beach yet again. This time I left with my sister and our friend from our childhood. Our friend had already turned 30 and my sister would have her bday on next Monday. I would have my bday on Saturday. So we called this trip to our bday trip.

I had saved few leva's from my first trip, so on Sunday night we were able to buy water and a bit snacks. The reason why we didn't change the money at that point is, that it would be really expensive to change at the airport (1€=1,60 leva) or at the hotel (1€=1,85 leva). At the bank the rate is 1€=1,95 leva. The place where we changed money was a restaurant where the welcome meeting was held (1€=1,92 leva).

On Monday we changed the money and went shopping :) Of course we needed to do the most important part first! Also we went to eat at a restaurant for my sisters bday. On Tuesday we went to Varna to see some sights. It was a paid trip so we did not go there by ourselves. Also me and my sister had a bit sore throat but we just thought it was because of the a/c (we don't have one). On Wednesday me and my sister had more sore throat, a light fever and headache. Still we decided to go see the near by old monastery. After the monastery we had to go back to hotel as we needed some rest. In the evening we went to see Finnish karaoke.

There at one point of the evening they had a raft. The price was a bottle of wine or something. We were just kidding how proper it would be if I (who doesn't really drink any alcohol and who has really sore throat at the time) would win it. Of course I didn't think I really would win it. But who do you think won't it anyway... We really thought it was quite funny :))

On Thursday we rested some more and did a quick trip to the beach. Only a quick trip as I really didn't feel very good when the sun was shining. Our friend was coming down with the same thing as we had. After the beach we went back to the hotel to sleep and rest. In the evening we had this Bulgarian night thing that ended around 11pm. Let me just tell you that the entertainment was good, food was not so good and I was feeling sick.

On Friday morning our friend said that she had the same thing as we did with the sore throat and cough. We still decided to go to the final trip to Nesebar as most of the trip would include sitting in the bus. Making other people sick was not our concern as we had noticed that there were a lot of sick people there. So might have received the sickness from the airplane or from the hotel breakfast. When we started to come back from Nesebar, our friend really got sick. After few hours of rest in the hotel, me and my sister went to get her some soup (which we had been eating for few days). Getting the soup turned out to be the easy part... We weren't able to find a spoon so we got her a straw.  My sister and I took döner kebab and ate at the hotel room.

On Saturday we did last minute shopping, and rested a lot. Also on Saturday I had my birthday. It was really a pain in the arse, as our friend and my sis just said all day long "You decided, it's your bday." Like that would not have been what I have done the whole week long. They wouldn't even tell me what they would like to or not like to eat. Also apparently very many people think that when I am abroad, you can't send a bday txt msg. Annoying. My day was made when I read my facebook messages when I opened my computer this morning.

So on Sunday we packed our backs and gave our room away and waited. Again I had to read my book and read my sisters and friends thoughts as they wouldn't say what they wanted to do. When my sister started to look really pissed I said few suggestions what to do. But still I had to make the decision what to do, as we all needed to go at the same time. She couldn't go by herself or with our friend. Great! I know that I probably was something like that when I was in Bulgaria the first time, but as I usually have to be the one that makes all the decisions it was a really nice vacation. That in mind every time I felt like telling them off, I just took a deep breath and suggested something else and went where ever they wanted to go.

Also my friend was picking us up from the airport in the middle of the night even though she would have to wake up in few hours and go to work. I really love it when I have really good friends. She is priceless :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rest. cont.

Now I know what it is (or at least what makes it worse)! It is going through my work email. When people received the out of office email they started to YELL at me. So I have gone through few weeks of those emails, now I am doing the last few days and it is the worst. People just being nasty at times. Really, why can't most of the people behave while writing to someone.

Thank God there are some who are understanding and patient. For them I'd love to do anything I can to help. But those who are rude YELL can go to hell. It is not nice to be hoping that the day would be over when you have only done like 10 minutes of work and have hours and hours left.


I've been really jumpy today. I can sit few minutes at the computer then I pop up to do something. When I check the time I expect it to be two or three, and so far I have had to dissapoint as it has not been that late yet. This is just so annoying. Its like I am waiting something to happen.

I am not sure if it is because I am going to another trip. I doubt it, but it could be. I have already packed my bag, so I have nothing to stress about. This morning my sister called and told me that my aunt has had or is going to have a hip surgery really soon. She also told me (that our mom had told her) that our aunt had asked our granny to comer over and help her... My mom is going to go over and help our granny again (aparently she has been there at some point) and if our auntie is going to ask help from her, she is going to ask how much is she going to pay her...

Now from that I gather truth to be: Aunt is going to have a hip surgery, she has talked about it to our granny whom has also told this to our mom. The rest is all mom. It might be that I am worried about granny, but I don't think so. At least my sister did not say that she would be in hospital, so I guess she is at home. That is usually better news than if she would be in hospital.

It could be the message my friend got yesterday. I don't know. I probably would have been restless yesterday because of it. Oh, our song is coming from the radio :)) (Our vacation song!)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New computer

Today I haven't yet opened my old laptop. I have been a good little worker and worked with my new PC (not laptop). I have to say that I am expecting to have sore neck tomorrow. I am writing like I normally do, but if I make a mistake and try to correct it I have to look down to see what I am doing. Earlier I didn't have to this as I could see the keyboard simply just lowering my look. Now I have to tilt my head to do the same.

I hope I get used to his soon. Also it is really nice to use mouse. I know I could have used mouse with the laptop as well, but it is not easy when you are sitting in sofa and not around your work desk. Now that I am sitting more at my desk I see that next thing I am going to get is a new chair. Maybe next month. In the end of this week I will go to Bulgaria again for a week and then there is only week left of this month. It is so wierd to work on PC again (compared to Laptop)(Okey for me if someone says they have pc it means a desk computer, you know the big one not like pc and mac. If you talk about laptop with windows in it then you say laptop with win x) (Yes I am difficult). It has been at least three years since I worked like this. Since then I have always used laptop. (first vista and now 7.)(Right, first 32, 32 then 64 and now 64.)(If you don't know what I am talking about, don't worry, that is for the nerds to understand.)(No, I am not a nerd.)

New Computer YAY!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Since turning to email blogging I have also sent out quite a few emails. I am sorry to see that people have not been answering to them. I have send email about my upcoming trip (to the other participants so they will now what to expect), congratulations for new baby, movie invite... And none has responded! This is just a short blog (also /rant).

Monday, August 08, 2011

Good things

My new work computer is up and running. Will be able to do all my work with it now. (I am going to need to make few discs first.) (Restore point thingy something discs.) Yay! I got a new work computer even though I didn't ask for it.

Also my boss informed me that he has decided to buy a new phone. I will get his old phone! Yay! (It is an Android). Can't wait to have it! Need to remember to change my mobile phone connection to something that has internet connection as well :))

Now that all this good is coming from everywhere, I can feel myself to get ready for the catch. There always is one. I have no doubts about it. Now that I am ready maybe I will be able to catch the shit before it hits the fan...

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Last night

As I mentioned earlier I wasn't able to sleep very well last night. Don't know why. I fell asleep quite well, but then just woke up after sleeping an hour. First I tried to go back to sleep, but when it didn't help I started to plan what to write to my blog. When that didn't lull me to sleep I started to check what features my cellphone has (yes I have had it over a year now, but still I haven't checked every feature it has).

After a while I checked what games my phone had. I think I checked at least four games before I tried to sleep again. I think the last time I checked my phone (for time) was about half past four. Sometime after that I finally fell asleep. Then of course it was not a surprise that I woke around noon. I had planned to wake up about nine or earlier... Oh well you can always get what you want.


Last night (because I was not able to sleep) I started to think what would I write next. This subject came up because my sister in law had asked me earlier how long will my nephew remember his first day at his new day care. He had had a rough start as he was asked to wash his hands right after coming in from outside (they do this at home as well, but did not do it in his old place) and he has been talking about it the whole week. He is turning three in September... Also more to this subject came from a discussion that I had with my friend while in Bulgaria. Basically the idea came from my sister in law and the type of memories from my friend.

I remember when I was about three years old and I was running with my sister and aunt (we are all born within 1,5 years) in the corridor in the farm house. Just before we had continued our running we had had lunch (milk and macaroni (soup)). I started to feel a bit sick and I asked my sister and aunt to get me a bucket. I went to lay down in my bed. When they brought the bucket to me I asked them to add some water to it, so that what ever comes out won't get stuck in it. I remembered this because not too long ago I had been sick and this is what my mother had said to me. My sister brought some water to the bucket and I waited. Few minutes after the water was put in to the bucket I threw up.

I remember when I was about four that I woke up in middle of the night (to me it was, in reality it was probably around 10 pm) because I felt really sick. All I could do was turn around (I was laying in my back) and start vomiting. I tried to yell to my mom and dad (their bedroom was right next to us) between the vomits. After I had finished, my bed was full of it and I left to find someone. While this happened my sister was sleeping in her own bed... (I think I can recall her saying that she might have woken up but fall asleep again) I roamed the downstairs to find an adult. Then I decided to go upstairs where my grandparents lived. I remember that I started to sob and told my granny that I couldn't find anyone and that I had vomited my bed. I remember that I felt really sad. (My granny did change the linen and I was able to sleep in my bed after the mattress had been changed.)

I remember that (at least) once our mom tied us to travel trunks and left us alone in the room. (My sister was in another room, so we were by alone.)

I remember once that my dad was going somewhere with the employees (strawberry farm) and asked if I would like to come with. Of course I wanted to (I was about four). I remember that I had really good time. Then when we got back I got yelled at because I hadn't let anyone know where I had gone. I couldn't understand what the problem was, because I was with my dad. They didn't care before when I was left almost alone (at the moment I can't remember who was there to look after me, but I do believe that there was someone) and everyone else left somewhere else.

I remember when I was about 11 years old, my sister woke me up because her ear was hurting. It was not a big news because she had the ear infection every once in a while. She told me that we were alone, that she wasn't able to find our mom or our step dad (I really don't like calling him that, but it is way to long to write the man whom our mom was soon going to be married to even though he already had beat her once, but she was just begging for more etc.). So we tried to remember what she had done before and found some Vaseline and cotton wool. Then we put the vaseline and cotton wool gently to hear ear and put some tape over it so it wouldn't fall. Next morning my sister found the cotton wool next to hear pillow. It had some yeallowish color as well as did the pillow (some drops of it). We concluded that the ear had popped during the night. I can't remember now if we told to our mom about it or not. We might not always tell her.

Once my sister broke her arm in P.E. The day before our mom had said that we are not allowed to ride our bikes anymore because we might brake a bone. If we would do something that stupid (like brake a bone) she would NOT be taking care of us. (We were about 8 and 9.) So when the school called her that morning, of course her first thought was to go and check if our bikes were still in the yard. (She told this to us, and I do believe she did do this. Because it got her more attention. Also she told it to anyone who was willing to listen.)

Ah, and another memory when I was about 14 or 15 (the last year in middle school/junior high school). I got really cold while in school. I had few hours left, so I stayed in school (we had school transportation as we lived so far away and there were only two times that we could go. The first time had already passed so I had to wait till the second one). When I got home I took panadol that lowers fever and thermometer. Then I went to bed to wait for the results. It was the first time in my life (that I can remember) that my fever was over 38 C. I told this to my sister and she let me be in my side of the room and did her own home work. After awhile our mom came in and was all worried and stuff. I remember telling her that I had already taken care of it and to leave me alone. Later I heard from my sister, that she had told her because otherwise she wouldn't have noticed it. (No, I didn't spent most of my time in our room. I just avoided him, but not her so she should have been able to notice it.)

Also I remember when I was ten years old that I told my mum that considering all I will be able to take care of myself if I would live by myself. I asked her to let me live by myself.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Surprising news

Today I ran into my sister in law and niece in the local supermarket. As I had nothing else to do I  decided to go with them to shop some stuff. After we had ventured BR, Sinooperi (crafts shop) and Tiimari (used to be kind of craft shop, now its more decorations) they took me back to the supermarket as I hadn't done my food shopping yet and my car was there. When I had just picked up milk, my friends boyfriend noticed me and then my friend came behind my back.

So double the surprise as I did not expect to run into anyone who I know :)) So me and my friend started talking about almost everything and I was surprised to hear (and no usually I am not so easily surprised!) that one of my friends whom with I had gone to school with (in Mikkeli we were in the same class and were all pretty close friends) is pregnant and is about to pop. We haven't been in contact for few years (because she hasn't replied to my messages). Now at least my friend will have someone who to talk baby stuff with. I know that I am a good one to talk about baby stuff as well as my sister and sister in law has talked to me a lot about baby stuff.

This is just a small post this time to share the surprises that I have experienced today :)

Friday, August 05, 2011

Bulgaria vol 1

Last week I was in Bulgaria, Golden Sands. It was a last minute trip (äkkilähtö) that included the flights, hotel and breakfast (also the transportation from the airport and the food in the plane). It was only 295 euros for one weeks vacation. It was really good for my budget. I am also going there in less then two weeks (again), with my sister and our friend (hence the vol 1).

It was really warm and nice (the weather) even though I am not a huge fan of tanning in the sun (as I burn really easily). So most of the week we of course were catching the sun as much as we could. We also swam in the Black Sea for the first time in our lives! So far I have swam in Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, (North) Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and Baltic Sea. When I was a kid we visited northern Norway and went swimming there. I was told that I swam in the Arctic Ocean, but I am not sure if it actually was that. I think it was still Atlantic.

Anyways, back to Bulgaria. It  was my first time there, and of course I didn't know what to expect. I was happily surprised how clean it was over there. Considering that in that area there were many thousands of tourists from all over Europe. It could have been a lot worse. Also I felt quite safe there and we didn't hear anything about anyone being robbed. (Well later I found out that one of my aunts friends was over there as well, but in Sunny Beach. She got robbed/lost her bag with everything in it. It is not known to me how she got robbed/lost her things.)

The room wasn't very big, but it was comfortable. Also the cleaning ladies kept the place very tidy. The hotel that we were in was only 2 1/2 starts in our standards (in local standards 3 starts), but it was in the best location. It was right by the sea (next to a road which was next to the beach) and on the other side of the hotel there was just trees. This meant that not much noise came in from the pubs and bars.

The food was good. We enjoyed the chicken kebab very much. I also tasted a salad in a local place and found a hair in it. Let me tell you that the waitress didn't see what the problem was... Apparently it is very normal for people there to eat food with hair in it. Yack! And nope I didn't get any discount... Now I am going to continue thinking about the chicken kebab and not the salad. mmmmm döner.... yammy!

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Visitors from north

First apologies for the long wait. I haven't had the energy to write anything even though I have had plenty of subjects in my mind.

So first I am going to write about the visitors that I had for about a week and half. This time I think the visit was much better as we didn't have the time to fight with my sis. The bad thing was that my niece was sick for a day so they weren't able to go see my bro (et family) for four days. (It is okey if you have chicken pox, but not for fever and upset tummy) (Long story, maybe later). Also my aunt and my boss came to visit us and I gave them permission to bring their youngest dog.

I know that I plan to keep this house animal free, but as I knew that the dog would be outside most of the time and my aunt and boss would only stay for few hours, I saw no harm in that. Also it was much easier for them as they didn't need to find a place for him. My sister also said that it would be okey (she is allergic to dogs). Since that time no allergic person has been here (as I figured).

So when they left (in the morning) I was left with dishes, dry plates with half dry plates and stuff in the wrong places. One thing that I do before I start doing the dishes is put the clean stuff where it belongs. Not just mount the wet plates over dry ones. Oh, boy was I boiling about that. I wasn't able to do the dishes as there was no room in the cupboard (where they dry). There would have been had the dry ones been taken out first! I am not sure who did the dishes in the evening, but it sure hell was not me. Grrrr. So basically I didn't have plates to use, as all was either dirty or drying. (Yes I know I could have dried them with a cloth, but that really is not that hygienic...)

Also I will now need to put my dvd's back in order. I don't have that many dvd's so it is not a big hassle, but still it is a bit annoying to clean after visitors. Also I had to clean my computer up as well. I don't think they did anything wrong, just normal surfing, but still it did feel a bit clumsy afterwords. It might be just me because I am living by myself...