Friday, April 08, 2011

I have made my mind

about going to see a doctor about my hand. I have been thinking about it for few months now, and I think it is about time I do it. I am not a huge fan of doctors as I haven't had very good experience with them yet. Well I think I have more problems with nurses. If someone doesn't know how to take blood, they shouldn't blame the client about it. I also don't like doctors who forget their appointments.

I think it would help if I would see a private doctor, but I think I can't afford it. It is better to see the public one and hopefully get few sick days too. Now I know what you are thinking. I don't like my job, hence I try to get sick days so I don't have to work... Well that is not true. Not only is my hand issue while working, it also is not making my private life good. Lets just say, that I am glad when I have arrived home as I don't need to drive for a while. If I would be driving for living, I would be out of job.


  1. Hei, hieno päätös. Se on ollut niin kauan kipeä, että on jo aikakin mennä lääkäriin!!

  2. Kohan muistais viel mennä sinne lääkäriin niin ois oikein bueno...
