Saturday, April 30, 2011

First of may

Celebrating first of may with friends. Will write more later and post pics :))

Wopsie, forgot to take pics :P

Thursday, April 28, 2011

About my trip

I went to Brighton to celebrate my friends 30th Bday. I was there for only two days and three nights ( I arrived there at midnight). So I hadn't time to do much, but I still was able to to do lots. I helped my friend with baking and making salads for Friday night. We went shopping and walking around the city. We also had lunch with her family and friends. :)

It was really warm and summery over there. I was really sad when I got back and everything over here is still so gray and brown. But at least we also had few warm days here too. So when I flew there the plane was late leaving. Well the plane arrived late too, so no wonder it left late. When we were about to land just a minute or two away from touch down, the pilot decided that we were not going to land. :) It was my first experience of interrupted landing. Well it was about time something happened, as I have been flying quite a lot.

The reason why the pilot didn't land was because there was another plane in the runway. I think that is a pretty good reason not to land. It just made us be more late... Well I just needed to be at the train station before the last train left. We weren't that late, so I didn't mind.

I just checked who have been reading my blog, and was surprised to notice an increase in readership. Now I only can see the country where one comes to read my blog. I am sure that most of the traffic is just people browsing through blogs. But some must have gotten here with other ways. This is just because some of the entries read are from 2009 :)) I usually don't even check the traffic out, but today I just wanted to see what kind of a tool it is.
It was very late flight
My bday present to my friend :)

You will never guess with what company I flew...
Clouds look so pretty :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I am in Brighton

Spending my friends Bday here :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

About my mom...

Oh, before I forget: I have not seen the doctor yet and my hand still hurts. My granny is yet again in the hospital getting blood and oxygen.

So back to the topic. Few weeks back was my nieces bday in Tornio. Our mom was invited and she promised to come. Well on Wednesday afternoon she drop by to leave the presents as she wouldn't be able to come during the weekend. To my sister she told that her boss had said that she had to work, as so many other employees had become ill. To me she said that her boss was telling her about a job that needed to be done. That could she be able to do it during the week. My mom had suggested to her boss, that they should do it during the weekend and not during the week.

She was so proud when she told me this. Than she gave me money! That was surprising. But when I then went upstairs and talked to my sister we found out that she had told us totally different story. She knows we talk, so how did she not dare to tell my sister the truth. My granny's guess was that she wouldn't come, and she was right. Well I think we all knew already that she wouldn't come, but we just didn't know what she would say. There are two reasons that she uses. One is work and other is the father of my sisters hubby. This time she had said that she would come despite him and that she didn't have to work...

Anyways, it is just annoying when you just know that you can't trust anything she says. You just have to assume that she is lying and that truth  is something kind of what she says but not really. When she told me that granny was in the hospital, I almost didn't believe her. Now you see my problem? I already know, that if she tells me that granny is dead, I will have to check it from someone else. I really wouldn't put it past her.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The difficulty of updating a blog

At the moment my sister and niece is over here. So it is hard to find time for myself to write this blog. As I work on my computer most of the time, so the free time I would have goes when my sis wants to be online. If I go do something else than work, I can see her sometimes watching me like I would have no right to do anything else but work.

Yes I do need to work, but I am thinking of me. I am putting myself first. I do not want to burn out (or not be more burned out as I already am), but she just thinks how nice my work is, how relaxing it is when there are no kids around. I understand her point and give it its value, but it is very annoying when she doesn't do the same.

She has commented on my traveling. How can I have the money to travel, and still have trouble sometimes with there not being enough money. Well let me say, it is very easy. I save up to travel. I look for good deals to travel. I don't mind going last minute, to get cheaper prize. I don't mind using cheaper flights (not those good and expensive companies). I have trouble with money, when there's something that I didn't know I had to pay. Or I have had use almost half of my income to pay a bill. Half of my income goes to my rent already, so if the another half goes to bills I am screwed.

I do not have any debt at the moment. I have only one credit card with the lowest limit on it. So I would say I am doing well. Not good, but I will manage.

Friday, April 08, 2011

I have made my mind

about going to see a doctor about my hand. I have been thinking about it for few months now, and I think it is about time I do it. I am not a huge fan of doctors as I haven't had very good experience with them yet. Well I think I have more problems with nurses. If someone doesn't know how to take blood, they shouldn't blame the client about it. I also don't like doctors who forget their appointments.

I think it would help if I would see a private doctor, but I think I can't afford it. It is better to see the public one and hopefully get few sick days too. Now I know what you are thinking. I don't like my job, hence I try to get sick days so I don't have to work... Well that is not true. Not only is my hand issue while working, it also is not making my private life good. Lets just say, that I am glad when I have arrived home as I don't need to drive for a while. If I would be driving for living, I would be out of job.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

The thing is...

Not all of you know, that my mom used to give us suicide notes when I was 13. Well it started when I was 13 and has continued since. She has told my sister that she doesn't plan to hurt herself... But still she sends us from time to time those notes. We already know before hand  when to expect the notes. If she is feeling a bit down, she will send one.

My granny is in the hospital at the moment. It is her second time during this year. I think she was at home less than a month, before she had to go back. I do not see her future to continue much longer. She is so tired from time to time. I hope we will be able to see her next week.

I am planning on buying my own place, because I am tired of paying rent to someone else. I just don't know where should I move to. I like the place where I live now, but I would love to live in Tampere. But that is way too expensive place for me. Well it would not be if I would buy a single apartment, but I like to be able to give room for those who need it (aka to my sister when she visits me).

I do hate my job, but I feel like I am no good doing anything else. This is a problem when trying to apply for another job, or finding something that I could do. Before I got this job, I thought I could do anything, but this job has proven me wrong. I do have the freedom to work from where ever I am as long as I have internet connection. I have been able to travel, I have been able to visit my relatives and friends. Still I feel like I would get nothing in return.

The thing is that not many people know this. They are just some small stuff. Not even my biggest things. Yeah I really do think that I value my privacy very much. It's just something that I have learned after living with my mom.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

All sort of things

I've been really busy for the few last weeks and am going to be really busy for the next month. I've been helping my sister in law with the bday party for my niece. Now I am at my granny's for few nights (well I will continue my way tomorrow). We were supposed to go to my niece's 3rd party at her granny's (@ my brother's dad's place), but she didn't feel so good. Almost the whole day again went by as she slept.

Her hart medication was doubled earlier this week. She still is not eating as much meds as some of her age. Her mind is still very sharp. So she is pretty healthy, but she is going down step by step. Today I made the dinner, for the first time, by myself I mean. Usually she takes part and helps out with smaller things. Today she didn't. I remember that in 2004 before I left to Florida, she made me promise that I wouldn't come to her funeral, if I was still in Florida. She didn't think she would have many years left. I said to her that she would at least see the decade end. Now I don't even comment on that subject.

We have been talking about her funerals (because all her siblings have died already and she is the oldest one), about what it should be like. As she doesn't want her funeral to be something what others want. She wants them to show what she used to be like. This all rose up, when her brother's funeral was more what the children wanted (small, brief and quiet) and not what he had been like (liked music and people).

Anyways.... Next I will go to help my sister with my niece's bday party. And no I am not repeating myself! They were born five days apart, in the same year. So in my future I see difficult decisions on whose graduation I am going to go. Unless I am able to make them celebrate at the same place ;)

I better go to bed now, as my thoughts are just rambling about nothing.