Yesterday we went on a small tour with our friends. Well they are more Sonja's and Jouni's friends, but I get along well with them. Oh you didn't know that we have some visitors over from Finland? Well let me tell you now: We have some visitors over from Finland :))
They just arrived tuesday night and wednesday was their first full day here. So we went to see the City and old fortress (now a police department). We took a sightseeing route, mostly because the traffic would have been worse in the other route, but also to show our guests what the capital looks like.
There wasn't much to see as it was a small fortress, but it was above the centre so we were able to take some really good pics. (will add one after I have loaded them up.)It was funny to walk through places where the policemen and -women play basketball. Also we went past someone doing they laundry...
Sonja told that it is quite normal there. They welcome tourists to see the place while they go on with their own business.
Next we went to Esplanade Mall to get some refreshments and do some shopping. I found something nice and small to give my nieces. ;) Didn't find that much for myself, but Sonja found (yet another) bag for herself :)) Our guests found also nice souveniers from there.
Next stop was a local textile store (kangaskauppa) next to the (outdoor) market. There Sonja found some nice cloth to make curtains. Also we bought more threads as we only had white and red. I had a bit of trouble remembering what things were called in english, but we managed to find all we needed.
On our way to the National Museum, we stopped by Art Fabrik (local clothes/artifact store) and a store where they sold tourist stuff (can't remember its name). The tourist store was really nice, and there were many things that I wanted to buy. But as I am not coming to Finland for almost five months, there is no point for me to buy those stuff yet. :))
Our final stop was at National Museum, which spite the name is not very big. It looks something like school project. Well there were the historical room, where you saw what types of tools people used to use. Also it gave a nice idea of what the island is like.
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