Friday, April 17, 2009

Sport fishing

Thursday we went sport fishing. Sonja was ill so she wasn't able to come, which in the end was a good idea. Now just so you know, Sonja can get very easily sea sick...

It was very early morning, as we needed to be at the Yacht Club at eight. We asked Pete to pick us up at 7:15, and then picked up our friends ten minutes later. We needed to leave that early as it is not sure what the traffic is like. We were lucky and it took us only 15 minutes to get to the Yacht club.

We had booked only half day trip (4 hours) as we knew that we weren't that into getting fish. It was more a thing that we wanted to try. First thing that the captain suggested to us, was to take motion sickness pill (matkapahoinvointi pilleri), which we all of course took.

The start was okey, Jouni and Mia felt a bit sick at first. Jouni started to feel better after a while. We all were up with the captain and enjoyed the view. It was really an experience to see the whole Grenada (the island) at one glance.

In an hour we got our first (and only) fish. Kari was the one who wheeled it in and I was the the one who took pictures :)) Mia wasn't feeling so good at the time. So we all decided that we would be downstairs to keep her company.

When I went inside, I started to be sea sick. I mean really sea sick. All I could do was stare out and try not to talk too much. Guys went up again, (Jouni said that he also felt a bit sick while inside, but felt better as soon as he was up)and Mia and I stayed down. It didn't take long before I threw up :(( Luckily it was only water that I had drank earlier.

Soon after that I started feeling sleepy. I could barely keep my eyes open. So I decided to lay down and take a little nap. As soon as I was laying down I fell asleep :) Also I wasn't feeling sick anymore. The small nap ended to be almost two hours. So I woke just a bit before we went back to shore.

We had lunch at the Yacht Club. It was very breezy place to eat, and my salad almost went with the wind. I was quick enough to eat it, so no loss of food this time. After that we returned home to ill Sonja.

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