Monday, April 27, 2009


Last thursday we went for a couple of days trip to Cabier. Cabier is very small kind of b&b place. It also serves lunch and dinner as it is in middle of no-where. Well the road there is very bad and long.

Sonja and Jouni had been here couple of times before. They didn't like the sounds of waves that much, but liked the couple who kept it. The reason why we went there was because the couple was leaving the place.

Anyhow, the rooms were nice and big. Beach was right next to us and there were only few other guests. So it was very quiet... Well if you do not count in the waves and wind. I kinda liked the sound what they made, but Sonja and Jouni were't able to sleep well.

Almost first thing that we did with Sonja was swimming. The waves were nice and big ;) Then as we had our computers with us (no internet though) we went inside and Sonja played some Sims...

Next day, after well slept night, Sonja and I went swimming again. This time it was around noon... The sun was shining almost from cloudless sky. I think we were in the water about half'n hour. Then we walked at the beach for 15 minutes or so. Oh, did I remember to tell you that we didn't put any sunblock on...

Well then we went inside, Sonja and Jouni needed a nap. After couple of hours when I passed a mirror, I noticed something funny... I had burned myself! Well it didn't feel that bad, but I didn't feel like going swimming again. Well didn't even need to tell Sonja that, as she also had burned herself.

So long story short. We deceided to leave then as we didn't have any after sun lotions with us and the burning feeling got stronger by the hour. So instead of staying for another night, we left there the same evening.

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