Monday, April 27, 2009


Last thursday we went for a couple of days trip to Cabier. Cabier is very small kind of b&b place. It also serves lunch and dinner as it is in middle of no-where. Well the road there is very bad and long.

Sonja and Jouni had been here couple of times before. They didn't like the sounds of waves that much, but liked the couple who kept it. The reason why we went there was because the couple was leaving the place.

Anyhow, the rooms were nice and big. Beach was right next to us and there were only few other guests. So it was very quiet... Well if you do not count in the waves and wind. I kinda liked the sound what they made, but Sonja and Jouni were't able to sleep well.

Almost first thing that we did with Sonja was swimming. The waves were nice and big ;) Then as we had our computers with us (no internet though) we went inside and Sonja played some Sims...

Next day, after well slept night, Sonja and I went swimming again. This time it was around noon... The sun was shining almost from cloudless sky. I think we were in the water about half'n hour. Then we walked at the beach for 15 minutes or so. Oh, did I remember to tell you that we didn't put any sunblock on...

Well then we went inside, Sonja and Jouni needed a nap. After couple of hours when I passed a mirror, I noticed something funny... I had burned myself! Well it didn't feel that bad, but I didn't feel like going swimming again. Well didn't even need to tell Sonja that, as she also had burned herself.

So long story short. We deceided to leave then as we didn't have any after sun lotions with us and the burning feeling got stronger by the hour. So instead of staying for another night, we left there the same evening.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

In La Sagesse and bbq

Sunday afternoon we went to La Sagesse (hotel& restaurant + beach which is public) to have a lunch. We girls had greek salad and boys had meat dishes. The salad was almost like in Finland, but not quite. There were some carrots and vinigar in it.

Now don't get me wrong, it tasted excellent. I just had some flash backs from the pasta I ate at Aquarium... It was covered with vinigar and tasted... well... vinigar. Kari and Mia were ready to take a swim in the sea, but we didn't want to swim here as the water is very sandy. So Sonja and I just relaxed and took sun from the shadows. Jouni lay in the sun and went running for a while. As a dessert we all drank virgin pinacoladas :) and then headed away.

First we had to stop by a store to get all the food to barbague. Then we went to Mia's and Kari's hotel, where the owner had given them the grill for the night. :) As guys were lighting the grill and preparing the food, we girls went for a swim in Grand Anse beach. Well Kari also took a quick swim in the sea before starting with his chores.

Guys had to use all my antibacterial lotion to light up the grill... Well at least this proved Sonja wrong. She had said that there will be no use for the thing. :))) We bbqed beef, chicken, pineapple, corn, sweet pepper, small veggie beef, and onion. Sonja and Mia also cooked some Mac&cheese for the dinner. We ate out in the balcony (of sorts, it was a bit lower than the ground level) and had good time :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Half day trip

On saturday we did a half day trip. Well more like three hour trip to middle of the island. First we went to another waterfall, where I had been before. If it would have been a cruise day there would have been jumpers, but as it was not we just had to take pictures of the waterfall and the local flora.

Next we went to crater lake. Well we didn't go by the lake because it started raining, but we went to near by "museum" where we were able to take pics of the lake. The "museum" was about the flora and fauna found in that area. Basically it was just few boards of information on the walls. I don't know if there was more before Ivan as the building was rebuilt after it with the help of USA.

To get to the "Rain forrest" area we needed to go over mountains and the highest point we were was 1910 feet above sea level. I know this because there was a sign saying so :))

Then we went to a fortress. This was in the highest point in southern Grenada. In clear weather and low sea, you can actually see Venezuela from the top. We again had a guide to tell us a little bit about the history. Our guide thanked us for coming, and explained that the islands main income at the moment is the tourists. It will be 3-4 more years before the nutmegs and cocoa (and other things farmed here) will be ready to be picked up for sale. Nutmeg takes the longest and I think the cocoa production is almost at the same level as it was before Ivan.

All the fortresses that we saw from the high up used to be connected with each other with a tunnel. Now the tunnels have been closed and filled up. Main sport (after cricket) is flying kite... When we were at the fortress there were children flying a kite very, very high up. The guide told us that they arrange competitions there on flying kite. We also heard what kind of a sound the kite makes when the wind is really strong. I have to mention this, because we have been wondering for months that what our mystery sound is. Now we realized that the kites make the mystery sound. Stronger the voice is, the more kites are in the air.

Trip up to north, Part deux

We had lunch at Belmont/Bellamont ranch (I can't remember the name correctly now), where they also had cocoa and nutmegs. Well there weren't that many nutmegs at the time as they are still recovering from the Hurricane Ivan. All the food they served was grown in the ranch (well maybe not the fish) organically. All the cocos were also grown organically.

The lunch was buffet type and the whole thing from starters to dessert cost 45 EC (per person). So not a pricy place at all. After we had eaten we took a tour over the cocoa factory/thingy. We learned that there are different kinds of cocoa fruit pods, and in the island there are two kinds. To cut them down from the trees was mens job, and women's job was to collect all the colorful pods to piles. Then men with they sharp knives would come and crack the pods open and women would take all the beans out.

It would then take quite a while before the cocoa beans would be ready to become choclate. The beans would be naturally heated (they would heat themselves) and drying in the sun (and people would walk through the cocoa beans so they wouldn't get stuck together). Then they would be polished (in old days and sometimes even now this would be done by feet).

After they have been polished the cocoa beans would be sent to the choclate manufacturer all over the world. :) The best beans would be sent out and not so good beans would be used in local market. We also tasted cocoa-tea (not hot choclate per say) which had spices in it. It tasted pretty good even though I had the thought of someones feet being in there...

Next stop was at a rum factory. :) It is probably the only working rum factory in the island. There are few factories that bottle the rum, but since Ivan this one is the only one that makes it. The factory hadn't changed much or at all since it was first build. It was very rough looking, and I am 100% sure that this kind of a factory environment wouldn't be allowed in Finland. Or anywhere else...

Our guide took us around the place and told about how the rum is made. The process is very similar (or actually it is the same) as making illeagal booz (pontikka). The sugar cane juice is first heated up (to come more sweet = loose water), then fermentation process begins. It is done without anything added to it, so no yeast needed. When the juice stops moving, it is ready for the next step. Next step is pot still process. This is when the juice becomes rum.

The process is done as many times is needed to get at least 70 proof rum. Then it is stored, so the tax people can measure it and tax is paid at this point. Then the rum is bottled and mixed. They make three types of rum in this factory, 70, 33 and rum punch (23).

This was our last stop and we headed home. Of course we were still quit north, so we had some driving to do (well Pete drove so we just sat in the car). The east side roads were not in as good condition as the west sides, but in better shape than the road to our appartment. It took us the whole day to go around, and now it is done.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Trip up to north

Friday morning (around nine) we started our all day trip around the island. This was our first time to up north (if you can say it like that) and we all were excited about it. Sonja came as well, even though she still felt a bit ill.

First few stops were picture stops. I mean that Pete stoped the car and we were able to take pictures of the view. It is a quite a ride as you go up and down all the time. The road was pretty good, not too many bumps (and no accidents).

First longer stop was at a waterfall were we first took some pictures further away. Then we desided to pay the fee (5 EC) and go down to see what it looked like from there. As this place was quite close to the capital, and a potential place for the cruise tourists to come, there were quit lot of tourist stuff sellers (krääsän myyjiä).

Most of the items they sold were made in china or somewhere else. Few were done by the locals. Sonja and Jouni bought some bananas from there, but as it was so early on our trip we didn't buy any souveniers from there.

Then we stopped in Gouyave (city in Grenada) at a local nutmeg factory. There we saw the trip that the nutmeg made from the fields to the shelves. It was mostly drying the nutmegs... I understood what the guide said, well almost all, but he had an accent that made it difficult to the others who didn't understand english well, to understand him well.

Then back to the car and enjoying the views. We went by an area where most of the people had worked somewhere else and retaired back home. It is quite common to people to go work somewhere else and then come back to enjoy the life(style).

Final stop before lunch was at Leapers Hill. It was named after Caribs whom jumbed off the cliff after failing to run the french from the island around 1650. They rather jumped then were cought by french.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sport fishing

Thursday we went sport fishing. Sonja was ill so she wasn't able to come, which in the end was a good idea. Now just so you know, Sonja can get very easily sea sick...

It was very early morning, as we needed to be at the Yacht Club at eight. We asked Pete to pick us up at 7:15, and then picked up our friends ten minutes later. We needed to leave that early as it is not sure what the traffic is like. We were lucky and it took us only 15 minutes to get to the Yacht club.

We had booked only half day trip (4 hours) as we knew that we weren't that into getting fish. It was more a thing that we wanted to try. First thing that the captain suggested to us, was to take motion sickness pill (matkapahoinvointi pilleri), which we all of course took.

The start was okey, Jouni and Mia felt a bit sick at first. Jouni started to feel better after a while. We all were up with the captain and enjoyed the view. It was really an experience to see the whole Grenada (the island) at one glance.

In an hour we got our first (and only) fish. Kari was the one who wheeled it in and I was the the one who took pictures :)) Mia wasn't feeling so good at the time. So we all decided that we would be downstairs to keep her company.

When I went inside, I started to be sea sick. I mean really sea sick. All I could do was stare out and try not to talk too much. Guys went up again, (Jouni said that he also felt a bit sick while inside, but felt better as soon as he was up)and Mia and I stayed down. It didn't take long before I threw up :(( Luckily it was only water that I had drank earlier.

Soon after that I started feeling sleepy. I could barely keep my eyes open. So I decided to lay down and take a little nap. As soon as I was laying down I fell asleep :) Also I wasn't feeling sick anymore. The small nap ended to be almost two hours. So I woke just a bit before we went back to shore.

We had lunch at the Yacht Club. It was very breezy place to eat, and my salad almost went with the wind. I was quick enough to eat it, so no loss of food this time. After that we returned home to ill Sonja.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tour in St. George

Yesterday we went on a small tour with our friends. Well they are more Sonja's and Jouni's friends, but I get along well with them. Oh you didn't know that we have some visitors over from Finland? Well let me tell you now: We have some visitors over from Finland :))

They just arrived tuesday night and wednesday was their first full day here. So we went to see the City and old fortress (now a police department). We took a sightseeing route, mostly because the traffic would have been worse in the other route, but also to show our guests what the capital looks like.

There wasn't much to see as it was a small fortress, but it was above the centre so we were able to take some really good pics. (will add one after I have loaded them up.)It was funny to walk through places where the policemen and -women play basketball. Also we went past someone doing they laundry...

Sonja told that it is quite normal there. They welcome tourists to see the place while they go on with their own business.

Next we went to Esplanade Mall to get some refreshments and do some shopping. I found something nice and small to give my nieces. ;) Didn't find that much for myself, but Sonja found (yet another) bag for herself :)) Our guests found also nice souveniers from there.

Next stop was a local textile store (kangaskauppa) next to the (outdoor) market. There Sonja found some nice cloth to make curtains. Also we bought more threads as we only had white and red. I had a bit of trouble remembering what things were called in english, but we managed to find all we needed.

On our way to the National Museum, we stopped by Art Fabrik (local clothes/artifact store) and a store where they sold tourist stuff (can't remember its name). The tourist store was really nice, and there were many things that I wanted to buy. But as I am not coming to Finland for almost five months, there is no point for me to buy those stuff yet. :))

Our final stop was at National Museum, which spite the name is not very big. It looks something like school project. Well there were the historical room, where you saw what types of tools people used to use. Also it gave a nice idea of what the island is like.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Registry Cleaners

I found an interesting article from google news. I am not sure if I will be able to link it right, but I'll try. Here it is:

New Study Finds That Most Common Registry Cleaner Software Products Do More Harm Than Good

One really needs to be careful with ones computer. I have had computer send to IT tech service thingy. It was not a fun experience.