You have asked me many times what do I do here. Well let me tell you about my normal day. Like yesterday and today, most of my time is spent on computer working. I am not here to relax and enjoy the nice weather. I am lucky to have a work that is done online. This means that when ever I have access to internet I can work.
Of course I do relax and enjoy my time here, but it happens after my work. It is so nice to have sun light after work hours. Also a big perk is that I can go to our balcony to enjoy the weather on my coffee break ;)
Ah, yes but I was supposed to tell you a bit more in detail what I do. Well usually I wake up before Sonja and Jouni. I read or am online for a while before starting to work. Usually I start working after breakfast, which I try to eat at the same time with Sonja and Jouni. Then lunch is usually around noonish and is made by Jouni or Maggie (the house keeper). Then I continue working.
Sometimes Sonja comes over from their room to mine (if she is not too busy doing you know what ;)) and we talk about work, life, etc. Sometimes the dinner table talk is about work... Next stop comes when Maggie goes home. We eat again, I think around that time. Then I most of the time start reading a book. If I can find one that I have not yet read.
The evening is for relaxing. Yesterday we ate at Benedetto's, it's a new restaurant near here. It is where the old Mona Lisa used to be. We do not go out very often, as the food is almost as expensive as back home. Local veggies and meat are cheaper, but you might not be able to get them. So most of the food is imported.
Then before I go to bed I either read or am online :)
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