Saturday, March 07, 2009

Power cut

Last night we had a power cut. We had it because someone had a car accident right next to us. As it was middle of the night and we had no light, I didn't venture out to see what was happening. What I could hear, was that probably no-one got injured.

It took three hours before we got lights back, which was very fast. So we probably didn't loose any food. Sonja said that she saw the car been towed away. I do not remember hearing any ambulance or police sirens, but that doesn't mean that they weren't there. It just means that I don't know :)

Car accidents are not very common here, as the roads are what they are. Local people know to be careful. The younger ones like to race a bit though. At night there isn't usually traffic, so that is the time when they like to drive.

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