Thursday, March 12, 2009

Nothing new

For the past couple of days, nothing new has happened. :) Which in a way is very good. I am a bit bored though... I am bored of this heath. Now it really does feel warm, instead of being nice and cousy. I think that one reason for this warmness is that the air doesn't move much through my room. I do have windows open, doors open, but there isn't enough wind. So to answer one of your question: I do not miss sauna as I am in one.

We are moving soon to a better location. Higher up, so there won't be too many houses next to us and better chance for the wind to blow through the house. Answer to other question that now has risen to your mind: No, the address won't change. It will stay the same.

And now that we are on the subject... If you are sending anything here, I would like you to keep in mind that it takes two weeks to anything to arrive here. At least two weeks, maybe more. The bigger the package is the better chance it has to be lost. But no worries, if it is big enough (real backage, not a Maxi-letter thingy) I have a better chance of finding it.

Oh, and if you have send a card or letter, and I am not responding to you of receiveing any of them, a reason might be that they have sent it somewhere else. Sonja just got couple of weeks back a christmas card. The address was right, but still somehow they were able to send it to Iran first. Also another card did a round trip to India first before coming here. So I would add the word Carribbean in the end of the address that I have given you, just in case someone who is handling it doesn't know where Grenada is. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the finnish post office isn't that bad :).

    We don't have nothing new either. The mother nature is giving small hint about spring.. maybe we have sun, light and warm weather here also.. Hope!
