Wednesday, March 25, 2009

View from my work window

When I am working, this is what I see if I look out:

Nice isn't it ;)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today we have packed almost all our stuff. There is still plenty packing to do tomorrow. We found few "nice" surprises while packing :)) Sonja was puting clotes from the drawer to a bag and saw a cockroach. She screamed and almost gave me a heart attack.

There is a saying that if you see one cockroach in your house then there will in reality be a lot more of them. So it will be fun to see what we will find among our stuff.

This moving business is usually very nerve breaking, but here it is not so bad. One main reason for that, is that most of the furniture is found from the other appartment already. So we only need to move our clothes, books and other small stuff. No need to carry heavy things, unless one has bought something big.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today I helped Jouni in baking bread rolls and meatballs. We are trying to use as much ingredients as we can so we do not need to take them to the new appartment. It is easier to buy new packs there then take opened ones. Also it is less to carry :)

So first I did the dough for the bread rolls. As you can see from picture, we used local rye flour, emtptied a pesto jar and put some garlic :)

And sorry, I did not take any pics of the meatballs :))

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The new appartment

We are moving in a week or so to the new appartment. We went there yesterday (monday) to take measurements and see what we need there. I am not going to post a pic of the place yet, because we haven't moved in yet. I want to have all my stuff in their places before shareing pics here. I might put some to kuvaboxi soon, so you can see what it is like now and what it is like after we have moved in.

One good thing about the location is that it is high up (very up) and there are only two neighbours next to us. They are not so close as neighbours are now. So it is high up, with very good view. One not so good thing about the location... It is high up (very high). The roads here are not very good, so the road there is a bit... well in poor shape.

Also I heard that Pete (our friend and taxi driver) said that the area that we would have to walk through is not the best area. The area where we live is okey area. Sonja and Jouni spent the last night there, because the A/C in their room is not working. They went there because there it works. Well there were not supposed to be any a/c, but apparently they were installed in the last couple of weeks.

Swimming in the sea

Sunday afternoon we finally went to Grand Anse beach for a swim. Well we did not swim very much. More we just floated and enjoyed the waves. There were a bit bigger waves then normally, but not as big ones as we saw last week.

I didn't take my camera with me this time because we left our stuff on the beach unattended. Even though I haven't heard of anyone steeling stuff in the beach, I don't want to use my luck up. So if I am sure that we all three are not going to be in the water at the same time, then you will get pics of us swimming.

The water was nice. Not too cold nor hot, just a bit salty for some reason. There wasn't that many people on the beach, few tourists and locals. So it was perfect time for swimming.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Nothing new

For the past couple of days, nothing new has happened. :) Which in a way is very good. I am a bit bored though... I am bored of this heath. Now it really does feel warm, instead of being nice and cousy. I think that one reason for this warmness is that the air doesn't move much through my room. I do have windows open, doors open, but there isn't enough wind. So to answer one of your question: I do not miss sauna as I am in one.

We are moving soon to a better location. Higher up, so there won't be too many houses next to us and better chance for the wind to blow through the house. Answer to other question that now has risen to your mind: No, the address won't change. It will stay the same.

And now that we are on the subject... If you are sending anything here, I would like you to keep in mind that it takes two weeks to anything to arrive here. At least two weeks, maybe more. The bigger the package is the better chance it has to be lost. But no worries, if it is big enough (real backage, not a Maxi-letter thingy) I have a better chance of finding it.

Oh, and if you have send a card or letter, and I am not responding to you of receiveing any of them, a reason might be that they have sent it somewhere else. Sonja just got couple of weeks back a christmas card. The address was right, but still somehow they were able to send it to Iran first. Also another card did a round trip to India first before coming here. So I would add the word Carribbean in the end of the address that I have given you, just in case someone who is handling it doesn't know where Grenada is. ;)

Sunday, March 08, 2009

La Sagesse

Today we went to eat at La Sagesse (there's hotel and restaurant) and enjoyed very near by beach. Sonja ate veggie burger, Jouni ate fish and I ate beef burger. :) Also Sonja and I had choclate mousse as dessert.

This time we just relaxed and enjoyed the warm weather. None of us swam this time. One reason for this is the fact that the water was very brown because of all the sand. The Grand Anse Beach is better for swimming as the water is clearer. Well what more can I say. It was nice and relaxing, the food was good and we got back home before it started to rain :))

Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Beach

Our beach...

We have been planning on going to the beach soon, but so far we haven't been able to go. The main reason is the rain :) I don't think it is going to be very nice to try to read a book or enjoy your self when it is raining on you. Today there hasn't been rain yet, but the clouds have been so dark that we think it is going to rain. Also it has been a bit... hmmmm... colder (?) here. I don't think you can use to word cold as we are talking about usually it being 30 C and now it has been under, near 25C.

As soon as we go to a beach (any beach will do) I promise to post a lot of pictures to Kuvaboxi. :)) We will see if Puhi will get his revenge. ;)

Power cut

Last night we had a power cut. We had it because someone had a car accident right next to us. As it was middle of the night and we had no light, I didn't venture out to see what was happening. What I could hear, was that probably no-one got injured.

It took three hours before we got lights back, which was very fast. So we probably didn't loose any food. Sonja said that she saw the car been towed away. I do not remember hearing any ambulance or police sirens, but that doesn't mean that they weren't there. It just means that I don't know :)

Car accidents are not very common here, as the roads are what they are. Local people know to be careful. The younger ones like to race a bit though. At night there isn't usually traffic, so that is the time when they like to drive.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Shopping in St. George

Today, as it was a nice sunny day, we went to the capital St. George to shop. Yes I do live in St George area, but not in the city center :)) Well actually our main motive to go today, was that there wasn't any big tourist caribbean cruise boats here today.

So first we started at Bruce Street mall (ostoskeskus = mall) where we found half of the places shut. There were few nice clothing stores, but as I said most of them were closed. This mall is not very big and it contains the only escalator in this island. Sonja told me that not all the natives know how to use it and they prefer the stairs next to them.

As we didn't find anything there, we then ventured to the Esplanade mall. It is right next to the Bruce Street mall so we didn't need to walk very far. When we were entering the establishment we were stopped by this local entrepreneur. He referred himself as a king, and showed us what he had with him to sell us. We didn't seem to be able to get rid of him, but luckily Sonja saw something that she liked. So we bought a thingy from him and we thought that we were finally free.

We weren't that lucky. There was another guy next to him who offered to take us to the market. When we said that we didn't like to walk out very much as we would get burned, he voluntered to take us with his taxi, which he didn't have a minute earlier ;) Then we had to put our foot down, and said that we weren't interested of it at the moment.

First we went into a store (can't remember the name, sorry) to look new shoes for me. I didn't think I needed new ones, as the crocks that I have works fine for me. Well this small pit stop ended up being a lot longer. When ever I found a nice shoe, tried it on to see it was too big, I asked the clerk if they had smaller ones... He always said sorry no. So in the end we found okey shoes, and surprise surprise they were too small... I then asked for a bigger one, which they didn't have :)) Finally we were able to find one more pair of too small, too big and they actually found the right size for me :)))

So of course we bought the shoes as it seems that I am not able to find very easily ones that would fit me. Also they are black, leather and some what comfy, so no complaints. ;)Then Jouni joined our little group after going to the bank and paying some bills. Oh, no. He did not pay the bills in the bank. It is not the way here. He paid it at the e.g. internet store. They send you the bill home, and then you come and pay it. It is that simple.

We found some really good looking clothes there, but unfortunately I would have to loose more then few pounds before fitting in them. So we went next to the book store. We were able to spent some time there as well, as to find a good book you needed to play hide and seek with the book. I searched from the far corner (the place was a bit wierd shaped) and was able to find some Stephen King :) I also chose a book from Patricia Cornwell. Sonja found a historical book and a childrens story book by Hans Christian Andersen.

After a yummy fruit punch and donuts we went to search some jogging shoes for Jouni. Long story short, he had worse luck then me aka no shoes. Sonja had a bit better luck and was able to talk Jouni in to buying a one more hand bag :)) Well it looks really grate and I am sure Sonja will use it. Here is a picture of what we bought:

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

What do I do here

You have asked me many times what do I do here. Well let me tell you about my normal day. Like yesterday and today, most of my time is spent on computer working. I am not here to relax and enjoy the nice weather. I am lucky to have a work that is done online. This means that when ever I have access to internet I can work.

Of course I do relax and enjoy my time here, but it happens after my work. It is so nice to have sun light after work hours. Also a big perk is that I can go to our balcony to enjoy the weather on my coffee break ;)

Ah, yes but I was supposed to tell you a bit more in detail what I do. Well usually I wake up before Sonja and Jouni. I read or am online for a while before starting to work. Usually I start working after breakfast, which I try to eat at the same time with Sonja and Jouni. Then lunch is usually around noonish and is made by Jouni or Maggie (the house keeper). Then I continue working.

Sometimes Sonja comes over from their room to mine (if she is not too busy doing you know what ;)) and we talk about work, life, etc. Sometimes the dinner table talk is about work... Next stop comes when Maggie goes home. We eat again, I think around that time. Then I most of the time start reading a book. If I can find one that I have not yet read.

The evening is for relaxing. Yesterday we ate at Benedetto's, it's a new restaurant near here. It is where the old Mona Lisa used to be. We do not go out very often, as the food is almost as expensive as back home. Local veggies and meat are cheaper, but you might not be able to get them. So most of the food is imported.

Then before I go to bed I either read or am online :)

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Here I live

I took a picture for you from the balcony. Some how I got winnie the pooh and Moomin in it too.

FYI: More pics are in Kuvaboxi.

Bloggin via email

I should be able to do this via email. But you know me... I need to practise first few times. We will see if this will make any sense to you guys. :) I think I have done this once before, but it has been such a long time, that I just can't remember any more.
I try not to make this too long of mumbo jumbo. Just don't have anything to say, really. I think this might be just enough text :))