Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just Like ME

You are a Brainy Girl!

Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books.
You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more.
For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests.
An awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Phone call

Yesterday while I had my interview my phone rang (it was silent, so I saw that it had rang). The number was not listed, so I thought that it was someone trying to sell me magazines. This is usually the case, when you can't find out who has called you.

Today they called me again (as I thougth they migth) and I was so ready to say " No thank you I am not buying anything!". To my surprise the lady in the other end says, that " you have sent us your CV couple of months ago, and we would have a position for you." It turned out that they were listing available jobs in their site, and you could leave your cv there if you had not found anything interesting. So if I am interested in the job I just need to apply for it.

This is something that I might do...

I got another phone call today as well. Well this actually is the first phone call that I got. They called me from this educational program that (they teach few days and we will work for a company for 6 months *training*) they would have a company for me, that would suite me. So I if I am interested, I would have to sent my CV to them, so that they can present me to the company. They will let me know next week, if the company wants to have interview with me. If they find a training place for me, I can take part in that program. Some of the courses in this programme are: Marketing, e-business, internationalisation... So as you migth figured out, it is just what I need... I have only graduated as BBA few months ago, so this is definately something that I need :D:D

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Second interview

I had a new interview today. Well actually, I got an interview for two places. The place where I went rents employees to companies. I told the interviewer that I am interested in other places as well and she said that that's good to know because they have this other available place (that is similar to the place I applyed). She said that she will inform the candidates tomorrow if they have been chosen to the second interview next Tuesday with the client company. The job would start Monday, week from now. The other job would also start very soon.

The interview that I had yesterday would also start soon... So if I am very lucky I will have a job next month!! YEY!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I think it went well. The inteviewer said that she will let me know a week from now. One other thing that happened to me today, was that I got another interview for tomorrow!!!

I think I migth like the other place more than the one I had today. The place that was offered today would mean a lot of selling. I would have to sell a certain amount of service in a month etc. but I would also have a monthly payment. :D

I will tell you more tomorrow about the other place.

These two places would both be here in Tampere.

St. Patrick's Day

I was not supposed to go anywhere...

All I needed was a text message from Olli saying he and Petri are in O'Connels and would I and my friend like to join them. It took me only 45 minutes to get there (I took a shower and took my dog out). We were there around 7 pm (the guys had been there couple of hours already) and the place was packed/full. We four sat on a bench that was ment for three or less persons. We had a lots of fun and also we all were bed before eleven pm.

I bet you all thought that I was up till dawn... Sorry to dissapoint you.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Doggie again

Isn't he cute!!


I just found out that my e-mail account as well as all the information that I have saved in to my account in Florida is still there!! I can get the papers that I did there and I can sent and receive e-mails to my argus. YEY!


The previous one only got to be a draft... so I desided to try again. Let's see if this one is posted right away.


This post has been sent via e-mail.

As you can see I am always trying new things. :D

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

In a Past Life...

You Were: An Insane Executor of Sacrifices.

Where You Lived: Texas.

How You Died: Buried alive.

Normal Day

Normal day to me now is... Wakeing up very late (usually around 11 am), takeing my doggy out for a walk (3-4 times per day), watching tv and being online. Also I do read a lot. I could tell you about some of the books that I have read. But that in a later post. Now I am talking about my normal day.

Now that I don't have a job, I have lot of time in my hand. The lack of money stop's me from travelling abroad. I have travelled quit lot and now I am having a break from it. You would think that I would go to the city a lot since I practically live in the city. But I don't. It is easier for me not to spent money, if I don't go anywhere.

So for that reason I stay inside my flat quit a lot. You might think that how can I search for a job when I am indoors... Let me tell you that it is very easy. I just go online and search either job ads or interesting firms where I would like to work. :D

So if you think that my life is very interesting at the moment, you are very wrong. I can't wait to have money to acctually do something else, then count my money. To those who are worring about my rent: I get support to it, and I only have to pay half of my real rent. I also get money to support my living since I am unemployed.

I really, really hope something interesting would happen in my life, because I am getting tired of telling you that I don't have a job. (I am trying to find a place really hard). If I don't write here about this issue, you probably would think that I have stopped writing here.


Monday, March 13, 2006

I can't belive this!

You all know that I don't have a car. Well I do have rented a place for a car. This because I do have a lot of friends who have cars and most of them do not live here. So I walked by the place yesterday, and I saw that someone else had claimed it to be their place...! I am now about to call to the place who rented the place for me. I am just so mad! This is just so my luck. I Will tell you later what happened.
Now I have called to the janitor, they know nothing because they don't handle this kind of a thing. So I called to the company that has rented this place to me... They are too busy to answer the phone.
The last info on the matter: The person who to I talked knew nothing about this issue and promised to check it out. I think I will still stop renting the place...

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I have an interview!

Yes it is true. I have an interview for this one place in 22nd of March. So I have to wait over a week, but it is ok. The job would last about a year because I would be a substitute for a person who is having a baby. After that job I would have enough money to go abroad to work. So lets hope that I will get it :D

I am not going to tell you what that job is, because then I would jinx it!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

My Element is...

Your Element is Wood

Your power colors: green and brown

Your energy: generative

Your season: spring

Like a tree, you are always growing and changing.
And while your life is dynamic, you are firmly grounded.
You have high morals and great confidence in yourself and others.
You have a wide set of interests, and you make for intersting company.


Your Monster Profile

Basilisk Doctor

You Feast On: Olives

You Lurk Around In: The Backseats of Cars

You Especially Like to Torment: British People


This picture was taken in Florida. Me Idris and Silke went for canoeing in some place (don't remember the name anymore). It was so fun. If you ever have a chance to do it, I suggest that you just do it. I remember that we were a little bit surprised how slowly we ended up going, because the Americans wanted to have breaks all the time. It was funny too, that when the others were tired we wanted to do it again. :)

Of course we had some problems, while there were logs in the river that we had to look out. there were one or two times when me and Idris almost got wet. Oh, and the picture here is taken by Silke. I have lot of pictures taken from there (Florida) but they are normal pictures, not digital ones.

I found the previous post of the canoeing. It was in Sunday, February 27, 2005. If you like, you can read more from there.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Nice Pics

I will try to put more picture in here but as many of you know I do not have digital camera so it migth take a while. I hope you liked the pics that I put here yesterday :D

Monday, March 06, 2006

From my graduation... Try to find me

Wintery image from a train's window

My Doggie

I am so ANGRY

I got mail today... From a Bi... I mean old Boss. Now she sent me the document that I need, but (true to her nature) she had to put something in it to insulte me. She Claims that she has overpaid me... She had sent an replay to my message saying that the document cannot be redone and that I have been doing my theasis on the work time (which, my friends, is a lie). According to the document, the amount that she has overpaid indicates that 60% of my worktime went for doing my theasis. That is just full of shit!

She knew that if she puts it there that I will get angry. I have heard that in her family, when the figthing begins, it is normal to hit under the belt. She knows that I am very picky about my sallary. (I admit that picky is a wrong word). I mean that if something is wrong with it I complain. But now I just have fucking had it! I am too tired to do anything anymore.


Saturday, March 04, 2006

I have this friend...

That moved here (to Tampere) because I live here. She had told everybody that she is going to stay with her relatives before she finds a place of her own. She told that to my mom, my sister... (She was my sisters roommate). True or False: She stayed with me before moving into her own flat? ... You are right. She stayed with me!!

She is now in school and they have a school break at the moment. You would think she would stay home and rest or read school books (she is a bit behind because she hadn't bought the books in time). You would think... Last weekend she stayed two nights at my place. She has been here almost everyday!!

Of course it is nice to spent time with friends, but when she starts makeing comments that she actually doesn't like to spent time at my appartment, I really do get angry... She invites herself (she calls and says: I'm in town can I come?), so if she doesn't want to come, I am not forceing her, she should not come. I hope you get what I mean... :)

I also have tried to introduce my other friends for her, but she doesn't make any effort to get to know people. So far she has made only one friend at school. When I move into new place, I try to meet people very actively in the first couple of months. Usually by then I have made friends...Like some of you know.

Well I do not mean to judge anyone... It is just my hobby. Tell you the truth she was one of my best friends at one point. Now it just seems that I have moved a lot ahead or that she has stayed the same.

Take care my baby's!

Yey me!

I really know how to read through my writings (or usually read) and check the mistakes... I have sent an application where I mention that I am applying for something else than the available position... Oh, and I sent an application in the evening of the last aceptance day. That probably means that they won't take it. :(

Really... Yey me!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Still no news

I am wondering whether my phone is broken... My sister told me once that she had problems calling me. Maybe this is the reason why no employers have called me. I should take my phone to repare shop, but at the moment it is impossible.

Now I am getting tired of writing applications. I have like almost a million of them by now. Well of course, I have not sent that much but it feels like it. Everybody says that I should move to Helsinki, if I want to get a job. But I don't want to!! You would think that it is easy to find a job (I do speak quite many languages) but no. It seems that I should be an expert on everything before I'll get a job.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

You will never believe this!

I talked to my old co-workers and now friends the other day. They told me that my old boss has been talking about me at work. She had said that she had seen light coming out of my window, and wondered reason for that. Now for those who don't know, my old work place is just next to my home. The thing is that she couldn't have just accidentaly seen the light. She really have had to make an effort to see my window. It sounds so creepy, to hear that your old boss is stalking you... well in a way she is.

Next step that I will take is calling to the tax office. I just have to make sure that she has done everything right. I don't want to have problems with my tax thingys.