Thursday, March 06, 2014

Last Friday

The Friday was so action packed that I am sure I am forgetting something. In the morning we had breakfast (me, my friend and her husband). I ate my own food, that we had brought from my fridge. We had such a fun time with it. After that it was time to pack the items we had brought better as now they were just in smaller bags and boxes. We carried the boxes downstairs and left shopping. My bags were all full, so we decided to try to find a new luggage for me, one that would be a bit bigger than my medium luggage. Also I needed to find something for my nephew as a souvenir. 

First we bought two vacuum bags for my linen and then we hunted for the luggage, and we were in luck. We found a luggage that was about the same size as my bigger luggage. The colour was perfect, and it had four wheels. So I bought it. This now meant that I had more room for my stuff and that I would be able to buy more stuff if I needed to. Then we went to find a birthday present for my friends nephew-in-law (? not sure if that is a real thing or not). As we did not know the item right away we had time to go shop in other stores. I found a jacket in Old Navy for my nephew, while almost having given up with the size when my friend found xs for 5 years. The 5 years in the xs size was bigger than the 5 years toddler size. 

After that we went to Toys-R-Us to buy the toy. While my friend picked up the toy she needed, I found some hot wheels for my nephews. They were light and now I had room in my new luggage, so I could buy them. Then we headed back to her place and I switched my bags. Then I think we packed even further, with all my plates and bowls going into my now empty luggage and all pillows and blankets into vacuum bag. 

Then we might have eaten something. Oh, no we went to Tim Horton's to pick something up and went to see my friends hubby. We ate there and then I was promised that I could drive a bit. So we went to pick up another car for my friend to drive while I drove her car. Due to the traffic, we had to drive around a bit and we decided to go check if there is a store near by to find second part of the birthday gift. We were told in the store that the item we were looking was online only and not in store. Off we drove to see if the traffic was any good. My friend has some car trouble so we drove slowly through the smaller roads, and dropped the car off her hubbies work to be fixed. 

After that I think we went back to her place. I think that might have been it... At least that was it outside her place :) We did enjoy some chips and watched TV in the evening. I am just trying to remember if we did something after driving. It was such a busy day, that when we talked about the day before it seemed so far away. 

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