My trip back to Finland was done with Icelandair. It is the cheapest way to cross the ocean to Finland at the moment. You will need to pay the food (with credit card only) but you can take your own food into the plane. The food prices weren't too bad, about the same as it would be at the airport. You do not need to worry about drinks as non-alcoholic drinks are usually free on long trips (charter flights were a different). You can take two 23 kg bags with you which helps if you are moving to another country.
The entertainment system works with your own headset, so you do not need to buy one. The entertainment system has a big screen (biggest I've seen so far) and quite a good collection of movies, TV series and music. Unfortunately I had seen most of the movies already, so on my second flight I had to opt for an classic movie (that I had seen before) Singin' in the rain. One other good part is that the entertainment system does not stop before you start to land, but it is carried out after landing. No need to get bored in the last 20 minutes! Very good feature indeed.
I do recommend Icelandair on all european travel, as it is cheaper than the others and with one layover to Iceland you can access all of Europe. The one hour layover was plenty of time to go through the security check, passport check and toilet. I even had to wait a bit before the boarding to the next plane started. All my bags were on board and I collected them from Helsinki. So no luggages were left behind.
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