1. I won't be getting my pay check a day before as I am already in the correct time zone. I was almost happy about receiving it a bit before hand, but ah, I had forgotten that that will not be the case. Oh well.
2. Unemployment ahead. 1,5 more months and my work is done.
3. No more living alone. Living with my sister and I need to take them into consideration. What I mean that I can't sleep in nor stay up late. So far I have done a few odd things in the house to help them out.
4. Stores are all gone. No more easy access to downtown or malls. The closest store is about 3 km away, and in this weather I do not think I will be going out walking anytime soon.
There are the main changes that are affecting me at the moment. I know that soon I will need to start looking for an apartment where to live. I don't even know yet if I want to stay in Finland or not. So far I have applied in China, US, Canada and Finland. I think I will take a closer look at the jobs in Europe, as it might be easier for my friends and relatives if I don't live that far away. Having been taking others into consideration for so long, and not having the same respect shown to me is making it more difficult. My sister says the same that everyone in the south wants us to come visit them, but none of them want come up north because it is so far away. Excuse me? It is as far for us to travel from here to there as well. We are just willing to make the sacrifice.
Getting a bit off the course in there. But yes, I have a decision making time ahead of me. Where to live, to quit the school (if joint doesn't go through) or not and how to plan the summer. The summer is a big question mark because so far I do not have a job, but I have promised to travel with my niece. Once the dates are finalized for our travel, I can choose my own travels. If my sister needs me here and I do not have a job, I am going to help her out. If I find a job from Finland, it means that I am not able to travel for few years. I am not very happy about it, but I just have to wait and see. So many changes happening now and in the near future that making plans is so difficult.