Friday, December 13, 2013

How many hours in a week?

Well there are 168 hours in one week, every week.

From those I use 37,5 hours to work. On average I use 56 hours to sleep. In class I spent 3 hours per week. Other school stuff I spent about 25 hours. Making something to eat and eating takes about 14 hours per week. Shower and bathroom usage about 7 hours. About 3 hours for groceries and 3 hours for cleaning and dishes. This leaves me 19,5 hours per week to do what I want: watch movies, TV-series, relax, etc. If I go watch a movie, it will take about 5-6 hours when you include the distance from home to theater, wondering about in downtown and eating something. What is left is not that much per day. Some weeks I do more school stuff, and the free time gets lower.

Then I have school friends who have children and have to travel to work. They basically have no free time, as the travel and taking care of the children will eat it all up. I really admire how they can dedicate to the studies. At least I get to have some free time, when we do not need to write papers i.e. just after finishing one. I get along quite well with few of my classmates and we are supporting each other to finish this school. It is so nice to have the support and understanding for the school. I don't think all my friends actually realize how hard work the school has been with the work, so it is good to get the support somewhere. 

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